a very lucky 26/f here!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by kaamos, Mar 21, 2020.

  1. kaamos

    kaamos Fapstronaut

    hi guys!

    i'm glad i found out about this community and it feels nice to be a part of it

    i consider myself lucky as i'm not addicted to porn, i don't masturbate that much and i barely orgasm. besides, i'm asexual, so i don't crave sex

    when i do masturbate, however, i don't like it. i don't think the payoff is worth the effort (at least in my case). i don't ever remember having masturbated and then being happy about it. usually, it just feels like 'meh, whatever'

    i realise it might be because of a low libido or not being able to reach an intense orgasm. other people are probably much more satisfied with their pmo sessions, idk

    for me, there isn't much to lose if i stop pmo completely. i don't think i'd miss it that much. i'd also be more than happy to continue not having sex, as i find the whole process dull and almost unpleasant

    honestly, i feel much more satisfaction from finishing a 30-minute meditation session, than from anything sexually related haha

    i just need that last effort to stop pmo-ing out of boredom and then feeling weird about it

    i know i have it so much easier than many of you guys here. i wish you could have it easier too. i'm rooting for each of you and i hope you feel free and in control very soon

    besides, can anyone explain to me what's a 'monk mode' and how it's different from a 'hard mode'? i have seen the expression mentioned on the forum, but couldn't find it in the glossary

    maybe the 'nun mode' is just what i need haha. as long as i can talk to people. i like people

  2. The Free Bird

    The Free Bird Fapstronaut

    Hi, welcome to the community

    All I have to say is good to you :D
    I'm exactly the other side of the coin. Extremely high libido and drive and unfortunately, many years of pmo'ing...

    I don't know exactly what are those modes, just wrote this reply to ask how does it feel to be in the nun mode all the time? =) you must have a lot of free time I think... good to you =)
    Coffee Candy and kaamos like this.
  3. kaamos

    kaamos Fapstronaut

    @The Free Bird thanks for welcoming me! you're so sweet ^^

    haha i guess one can say i have lot's of free time indeed. at least my mind isn't bombarded by sexual thoughts, images or urges (which are probably common for others). it seems being horny might be distracting, and i'm never horny, so yeah. i don't remember ever looking at a person and imagining how it'd be to have sex with them, which probably makes interacting with others easier
    The Free Bird likes this.
  4. kaamos

    kaamos Fapstronaut

    apparently, monk/nun mode implies fundamental changes to one's lifestyle (which are different for everyone), not just dealing with the pmo-related issues

    i'm not ready for this mode and i'm not sure whether i'll ever be ready. hard mode is something more clear and attainable, so i'll be doing it instead
    The Free Bird likes this.