A Year of Struggle and Freedom

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Yesterday, I passed the milestone of one year free from PMO. I don't consider myself cured of this addiction, for I fear that conclusion will lead to complacency. However, I do want everyone to know that although I still have twinges of temptation, they are only fleeting temptations now and they hold no power over me. With God's help, anything is possible.

    I didn't write this post out of pride for my accomplishment. It has taken me 50 years of sinning to reach this point. The fact that it took that long is hardly a point of pride. Rather, I am writing this to let everyone know that this addiction can be conquered. In my case, it took many attempts at quitting to learn how to beat the temptations but I thank God for those failures. Slowly, I learned from those mistakes and I found freedom. Joyous, wonderful freedom from guilt caused by this insidious snare of the devil.

    The benefits of my struggle are many. After 180 days or so, God showed me, harshly but out of love, another serious sin of mine. My fiery temper - rooted in sinful selfish pride. As a consequence of this, I was introduced to the Litany of Humility - a very challenging prayer that I now hope will be a guide for my life. I still have a long way to go in that regard, but even striving for it has brought immediate joy.

    Along the way, I also learned a new appreciation for all of the wonderful attributes my wife and children have and my love for them is truer and deeper than ever. Most importantly, my love for Our Precious Lord has grown deeper and more personal. It was by relinquishing my guilt from this sin that I was able to fully appreciate the value He has for me and thereby feel true love for Him.

    Truly, conquering the addiction of PMO is possible and the benefits are manifold and worth any cost. Sincere, daily prayer from the heart is the way to begin and maintain sobriety and complacency about this daily prayer commitment is the slippery slope to failure. There are other important secondary steps to take but it all begins with prayer from the heart.

    My special thanks to all of the people I interact with here on this forum and those on the Christian forum. I have learned from each of you. Thank you and may God bless you today and every day.
    Ketherlonk, Kennedy_p4, pmg and 3 others like this.
  2. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Felicidades por los 1 año ..
    Y gracias por tu ejemplo de que si es posible.
    Anhelo llegar a los 1 año también ..
    Que sigas manteniendo fuerte y descubriendo nuevas y maravillosas cosas en tu vida ...
    Dios te bendiga siempre.
    CPilot likes this.
  3. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    One year is a dream of many. Now, we are waiting for your year 2. It's very important to show another Catholics that after even so long enslavement - 50 years one is able with God's grace to quit and to be joyous. Be a witness here. As John Paul II said: the people don't need so much preachers nowadays but witnesses.
    Kennedy_p4, CPilot and Keli like this.