Achieved 23 days streak but....

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by rahulkumar, Dec 5, 2020.

  1. rahulkumar

    rahulkumar Fapstronaut

    I promised myself that i should NoFap for 21 days,i successfully achieved that for 23 days and than relapsed,relapsed continued for 6 days and i lost all my confidence and back at the same point.During that 23 days i experienced some change on my mind,i felt like I am active.Please can any one there inspirational stories/secrets what to do now and how to overcome my situation now
  2. sonugahe

    sonugahe New Fapstronaut

    dont give up , you can do control through some punishment
    rahulkumar likes this.
  3. I started P at 15, M at 18, and as i consider they are a sin, i ve trying to quit since the first day i started. Now i'm 21. So for those years, not only i couldn't quit, but it got worse.

    Now i'm on a 80 days streak. Once or twice a month urges hit pretty strong, but i manage to hold them.

    Statistically, the more you try, the more likely you will be successful.
    So don't stop trying, no matter how bad things get.
    It is precisely during hard times when we must be stronger.

    And as a "secret": PM is a bad habit you had been developing for years. You have to redirect that energy and focus into creating healthy habits: reading, exercising, studying... whatever.

    And one last thing. You are the only one who decides your acts. You will always have the last word. So no matter how bad things get, you will always be able to choose the right thing.
    Porn will never control you completely. You will always have hope if you look for it.
  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve Fapstronaut

    It gets easier every time. Just because you relapse does not mean you are back to 0.