after 3 weeks, my experience

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ylvis, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. ylvis

    ylvis Fapstronaut

    first of all, i would like to start by saying that a failed after 3 weeks. i heard something about my ex gf and i believe i felt it gave me an excuse to go back to porn.
    after reading a little bit in the forums and website, i decided im going to go for the "hard" mode (PMO altogether for 3 months!!). in case i find a sexual partner during that time, i will go for PM mode, allowing myself to have sex and such (i know it will be harder to reboot but i cant have a personal challenge getting in the way of my personal romantic life).
    one thing i noticed during my time of no porn, i was starting to think more and more about sex- every new girl i met, i started picturing her naked and having sex with me.
    is that normal? is it just the beginning? i found myself getting aroused much much more often and even seeing a nipple in a movie made me think about sex fast.
    i hope i can get some support in this group here, this challenge is long overdue, i grew up with porn and it was part of my life for years. i know it will be hard.
  2. Kierensays

    Kierensays Fapstronaut

    Hi Ylvis,

    I've actually tried to quit P mannnnnnny times before and I've gone though this part. I can it the 'hypersensitivity phase' (because why the heck not?). My PMO entrenched brain was always looking for sexual sparks to light the powder keg of my addiction, so to speak. If you can get through this phase, you'll feel much more in control. Also, for me, the craving didn't stop; the frequency just abated.

    The challenge is real, but we are all here together! I've been here a day and I feel like I've come home for the first time ever in this journey. Don't give up!

    ylvis likes this.
  3. ylvis

    ylvis Fapstronaut

    are you going for the whole deal as well? or just p?
    what changes did you sense on yourself when you stopped? and when you relapsed, did you feel like total shit like i did?
  4. ylvis

    ylvis Fapstronaut

    i have seen the words "cold shower" thrown allot around.
    why does it help? sounds like hell to me. when should i do it? is it a means to and end, or a new way of life i should think about adapting?
  5. Kierensays

    Kierensays Fapstronaut

    For me, it's just P because until very recently I've been in a long term relationship. I can reconcile M, but for me it has to be purely a physical thing detached from my mind. I'm actually aiming to train my brain to not 'see' P scenes in my mind so I'm going to experiment with M thinking about my real life sexual experiences that my partner and I cherished. Loving and wholesome feelings. That's just me though!

    I felt less mental burden, for one. My self esteem went up, my sex life got better, I got more work done... Basically my life changed. But, it wasn't long before I relapsed. Felt worthless, like I couldn't control myself and that I was betraying the love my GF and I shared. We both went to see a psychiatrist in the end which has helped immensely.

  6. Kierensays

    Kierensays Fapstronaut

    I can't say that I've considered it. You'll have to rely on another brother or sister in arms for that one!

  7. Phoenix-free

    Phoenix-free Fapstronaut

    For one thing, there's something in a cold shower that makes you feel ultra-manly and alive. For another, it's something in your life where you can get used to being uncomfortable. It strengthens your will-power. Also, if you're having an urge to act out that won't go away, a cold shower will usually do the trick to change the course of events that usually leads to pmo. Your mind focuses on survival rather than 'reproduction'.
    ylvis likes this.