after a decade of this I admit i cannot do this on my own

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by jimi37, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. jimi37

    jimi37 Fapstronaut

    Hello I'm a 22 male and sick of porn, it has mastered me, I try to escape it everyday, I need people who have struggled/struggling with the same things I am to help each other with our vices. I am a christian and I believe with God and community this addiction can be a thing of the past, yet I am not looking just for other Christians accountability partners I don't care what religion or lack there of you are I'm not looking to convert anyone I'm just looking for help
  2. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    What's your objective? What would dealing with your addiction do to make your life better?
    Leave religion aside just for one second and think about the benefits that stopping your addiction would give to you. How would it improve your life? Physically? Mentally?
    Once you have those things clear in your mind, then you can set a goal.
    Challenge yourself to 7 days with no masturbation, maybe 10. If you can accomplish that, maybe then you can go to 30 days, 60, 90...
    I wish you good luck!