And another new (happy ?) member...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by PornisMyGirlfriend, May 25, 2021.

  1. PornisMyGirlfriend

    PornisMyGirlfriend Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone.

    This is really Noah´s Arch, we are literally in the same boat.
    It took me quite some years to even find the courage to reveal quite personal things about my unfortunate and unhealthy addiction to pornography. (I wrote a "small novel" in the loneliness section).
    Maybe I arrived at such an extreme point....that my head needed some release...maybe my soul too.

    Allready the fact that I could write about this "other me" I am not,don´t want to be but can´t stop to be, has helped me lighten my consciousness.

    At least here, I guess I can find people able to discuss, analyze words and ideas with patience instead of ramming like a bull, like it is most of the time the case in social medias or other toxic forums.

    And well, I can also of course propose my advise or help in some cases that might be fitting.

    Thank you very much!
    Revanthegrey likes this.
  2. Eli6899

    Eli6899 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forums and best of luck !!
    This will be the most beneficial community when it comes to quitting porn, you are in the right place:)
    There will be lots of support here, be sure of that.
    Revanthegrey likes this.
  3. PornisMyGirlfriend

    PornisMyGirlfriend Fapstronaut

    Thank you my good Sir!
    This is far from being a simple matter to discuss about....but at least I can count on friendly people here ^-^.
    Eli6899 likes this.
  4. Valkus90

    Valkus90 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't go to social media to talk about porn addiction, since social media is just as bad as porn when it comes to rotting how you think.

    You'll get through this majin buu
  5. PornisMyGirlfriend

    PornisMyGirlfriend Fapstronaut

    Buu Happy here °(^o^)° Buu find nice people!

    PS: owww no I didn´t speak about this on social medias you don´t worry. People in social medias are horrendous. It was just another forum with multiple discussion topics and the worst part is that the moderation in this forum was a total failure since 2 trolls just poisonned literally every post with spams. It took me time to write all over again and post it here.