Becoming a better person by changing my way of living.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by SmilingSins, Jun 24, 2014.

  1. SmilingSins

    SmilingSins Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, SmilingSins here. I'm a 16 year old guy that has been changing his ways for the past week and a half. I started by changing my diet and exercising every morning every other day. This makes me feel amazing but then after my morning jog I would find myself fapping an hour later and after I was done, I felt awful. All of that "feel goodiness" or whatever went completely away because I needed a release. I felt like a drug addict needing his hit, always coming back for more and more and more.

    I would keep telling myself "Oh it's because my hormones, I'm only 16, this is just a phase" but I know better. It's not a phase. This has been going on since I was around 14 and it has caused my social anxiety, depression, anger for no reason, and possibly more. But this stops now while I am young so that I can have a fulfilling and no regrets. I have to learn how to control this. I'm not saying I will not have my bad days or mess up because many will and have and I am human but I will try my best. I'm not going for some crazy goal either, I am simply taking this day by day. This is just another part of the journey, I am changing myself into the man I want to be.

    I hope to talk to you all and thanks for reading my wall of text ;)
  2. jazzy0419

    jazzy0419 Fapstronaut

    Hi! First of all I must say that you sound very mature for your age. I applaud you for deciding to make this step so young. Most guys your age aren't even thinking about stopping this; and that it's the cool thing to do. But for you to stand up and say that you're not doing this anymore is amazing. So good for you! And yes, you are absolutely right. It's a challenge to let go of this PMO but it's also very doable. It's all about your will power and what you choose to take anymore. I would encourage you to take this walk slowly. Most people try to jump into this and expect an instant change, then are disappointed when that's not the case. So be patient! And stay resilient to what you want. If you happen to relapse, don't feel disappointed. Remember... you made a very wise decision.. a decision most people don't make at your age. And when this does happen, don't panic. Sit and evaluate the whole situation, and how better you could have reacted. And then move on. Let it go and know that next time is going to be way better. And celebrate when you do well! When you have those moments of triumph, reflect on them, and keep them in mind for the next time:).

    Well best of luck to you. I pray that everything works out for you, and that you're able to truly win this battle!;)
  3. SmilingSins

    SmilingSins Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the compliment and I'm definitely taking your advice about taking it slow. I've seen too many people who get "High on motivation" only to see them make no progress in a months time. Motivation is something you need daily and taking it slow is the best way to success.