Can I do this?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Stfan, May 6, 2018.

  1. Stfan

    Stfan Fapstronaut

    Hi I am 38 and been flapping since I was 11 and I have for every day since. I have tried to stop in the past but failed every time. I have got to do something about this I have no energy, I can’t get a girlfriend, I am lazy and I can’t go on like this. I really hope this site will help me
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  2. j_pwc_bat

    j_pwc_bat Fapstronaut

    If you do NoFap ....... or No pmo (porn, masturbation, orgasm) you will get these benefits [about 1% daily increase]:
    1. More energy
    2. More motivation to get things done
    3. Less brain fog (walking around in a haze)
    4. Less social anxiety (shame baggage is replaced with Confidence & Freedom)
    4. Women will start to notice your 'aura of manliness' in 1-2 weeks.
    5. Stronger personality & more self-esteem

    * NoFap = all Benefits !

    You can do it. To start your Day Counter, just look at the top of the and look down 2 inches. Click on "Update Day Counter" .... then click on "Date" and enter your start date.

    Free tips for Success:

    1. You literally don't have to watch porn ever again. (self.NoFap)
    submitted 2 years ago by
    BazookaMorpheus 88 Days

    2. When PMO is not even an option (self.NoFap)
    submitted 3 years ago * by
    Kestral 233 days

    3. Google: "The pain of self-discipline [4] is far less than the pain of regret-shame [8]" ..... Find an image you like......... and save it onto your computer or phone. (Ex: Go outside and get some fresh air. Temptations usually last only 10-20 minutes.)

    4. Daily or Weekly Rewards -- treats or dessert (for good behavior); or buy something related to a hobby you really enjoy; listen to your favorite songs, etc.

    5. Some guy on line had this great advice: " Never touch your dick……[or female parts for women]."
    Tip……. when showering use a wash cloth

    6. Humor ....... Google: "Glad you could join me Mr. Bond". Funny, somewhat possessed toddler............... Anyone know the Villain the toddler is supposed to represent?

    7. Click on the NoFap "Emergency" button and find an image you like. Keep the image in an open window on your computer or phone (positive influence on your mind….. and behavior):

    BONUS I -- Fasting can help you have more self control; and has many health benefits. You can skip meals; or entire days -- your choice. If you skip breakfast, you can use GREEN TEA (WITH CAFFEINE) as a low cost, mild, healthy stimulant that gives you energy.

    BONUS II -- Go to…………….. Encourage others or give them Advice [gets the focus off of ourselves and on onto others]. Works Very Good!

    BONUS III -- Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes? (Get up off your Heinekin [butt] and go outside; maybe go to a market or gas station at 3 am [anonymous supervision] and buy a snack or soda; go for a walk around the block at 5am. As soon as you make the (AYWTDWIT?) commitment -- there is an extremely High Success Rate.

    Good luck
    Last edited: May 6, 2018