Can I really be in a relationship?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mijereah, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    Tonight is sad. I feel as though I am about to lose a woman in my life who I've known for only 6 months...all because of porn. You might be thinking.."She found his porn stash"..or .."She caught him acting out"..but that's not the case. The reason I feel I may lose this woman is because pornography, I believe, has destroyed my decision making skills and that part of the brain that desires just one woman. I truly believe that porn and masturbation have literally rewired my brain to make it seem as though one woman isn't enough..only 3, or 4, or maybe even 10. I truly believe that porn has also caused me to waiver from important decisions that will impact my life. For instance, the reason I feel as though I am going to lose this woman is because I am not committed and I have no "drive" to be with her. Although I am nearing my 60 days no PMO journey, I still fee l like this addiction has changed my brain in such a way as to not be able to stick with one woman and commit to her. I feel like I have been a player and have sought so many different women, while all along I am really just looking for love...unconditional. Thoughts?
  2. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    First of all congratufreakinglations are in order for abstaining from PMO that long!!!!! That being said this applies only if you are in your 20s because this is as far as my life experience has taken me:

    Your abstinence may have increased your libido and since now you are living in reality and not the fake world that is porn, you are challenged with decisions which maybe you should have made a while ago. Your eyes are wide open, perhaps this woman you are with is not the one.

    If that is not the case from my brief experience (probably 5 years) on dating/relationships, it isn't about "Can I be in a relationship because there are so many women out there" It is instead "Can I stop searching and searching and searching and make the DECISION to settle."

    Your "feeling" that you have been a player and sought so many different women, was an actual reality that porn hid from you. But just as you have abstained from porn for this long, you can also change your player behavior, if honestly and truly you decide to change as you honestly and truly decided to not PMO for 60 days.
  3. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut


    So true. Good thoughts thanks ruso!
  4. Erboinq

    Erboinq Fapstronaut

    Sometimes we go through hard times. Everyone loses out on someone they love once or twice, or maybe even a hundred times in their lives. The trick is to treat this as a harsh lesson in life and learn from your mistakes. In times like this it's easy to wallow in your self-pity and turn to the self-destructive behavior that got you here in the first place. Don't. It's a vicious cycle and you need to get out of it by accepting the situation for what it is, thinking about how your actions have led to this situation, and resolving to do things differently next time.
  5. DWizZy

    DWizZy Fapstronaut

    I don't think you can necessarily blame porn for causing you to want multiple women. Men and women both cheat in relationships, and history is replete with examples of harems and philandering well before the existence of porn. If you're having a hard time committing to a woman, she just might not be the right woman for you, or you haven't made the kind of emotional connection that you find satisfying with her. Once you're satisfied emotionally, the desire for monogamy follows. It's wise to date around until you're sure you've found the right lady. If you're going to spend the rest of your life with her, you should be sure she's right for you.
  6. alan

    alan Fapstronaut

    I agree with DwiZzy, it seems a bit far out to blame pornography for this because this stuff probably happens a lot. Unless she can no longer get you off?
  7. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    Dwizzy I think you are right. HOwever, I'm wondering if porn has so damaged our emotional brains that we have a hard time connecting with women. I think that is the problem here. I think porn has severely invaded our minds so much that we have a problem developing intimate emotional connections with women. For instance, if I was married and had the opportunity to have sex tonight with my wife, I would probably find it hard to if I was addicted to porn. It seems as though porn has such a grip on us, that it's easier to feel good while watching it and M to it rather than deal with a real woman. I don't know I guess all this will change over time once you stop looking at it.
  8. mijereah

    mijereah Fapstronaut

    I just watched this movie last night Abel and it was weird. Thanks for recommending it. The spider part at the end was freaky and was not expecting that! LOL. The whole concept of the movie is hard to understand. Your thoughts on it?
  9. thesculptorceo

    thesculptorceo Fapstronaut

    it happens man.. your doing something about it.. pray.. have faith..
    it happened to me too. and yes i had to end it.. because my addiction to other women would not let me find peace with just one.. .
    i understand fully. I'm 32.. i am ready to drop this addiction.. I've seen porn online since like .. 18. it started with just photos.. i think it didn't get into videos till i was like 24 or so.. the internet and high speed internet did make it easy to get into porn. so.. thats that..

    what am in doing to rid myself of this.. coming on here. dieting.. I'm into self mastery. I'm into... my word. and commitment. I'm into success.

    its taken me a while to get here. you being on here 60 days in.. with out fap.. wow.. big respect.. the most I've done is 30 days.

    don't be so hard on yourself.. build on your success.
  10. DWizZy

    DWizZy Fapstronaut

    I don't think so. I think a lot of commentators are looking at this generation and trying to blame the advances of mass media for us being some how different, but that's not really the case. Men and women have always had a harm time connecting. Even in the book of Genesis, they describe God putting a curse on men and women to always be at each other's throats. The reason we aren't marrying as much these days is because no one's pressuring us to. It used to be that parents would set sons up on dates, everyone in the school would pay attention who goes to the cotillions and so forth. In plenty of countries, they still practice arranged marriage. This is because emotional connection between men and women is inherently challenging. It's the single greatest problem in human history, and we've made no progress on solving it, but a lot of books have been written.

    Even the matter of porn itself is a mixed bag, because there are a couple of ways that porn can benefit a relationship. Mainly, it helps a man visualize his fantasies, and if you can pull off that fantasy with the woman, you'll be satisfied, and she'll be happy that you're satisfied. It's legitimate to seek satisfying relations with your wife, but she may take some convincing.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014