Cheating in Dreams

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by theBornAgain, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    I am a 26 year old male from India. I am in a relationship with a lovely girl whom i want to marry and have always been loyal to her for the past 3 years. I didn't even flirt with anyone in this 3 years but I used to masturbate to hot actresses or porn stars before I didn't use to consider this as cheating but after joining this community I realised it is also a kind of cheating so I want to quit.

    After 7 days of NoFap on hard mode one strange thing I noticed is that I am having dreams of these gorgeous women and I am cheating on my gf by having sex with them or just pursuing them in dreams. Is this normal ? also me and my girlfriend are in a long distance.
  2. NF4L

    NF4L Fapstronaut

    I have certainly had some sexualized dreams in my reboot process. While I didn’t have them early on (I rarely ever dreamed as a PA), the first I had in my reboot was a nightmare of using P and M again, this was nearly two months into the journey. I was overcome with such disappointment and disgust that I had relapsed that it immediately woke me up. It took me a few minutes to realize it was only a dream and didn’t really happen. I do believe at this point our brains are causing a feedback loop as the lower and upper brains battle out scenarios in our subconscious. Residual imagery, scenarios, and bad habits are getting conjured up by those formed neuropathways in your lower brain. It’s what your higher brain chooses to do with them in your dreams. Since it appears you aren’t fighting the urges in your dreams, you may have much more work to do on corrective actions for yourself in reality. While a PA I spent a lot of time sexualizing women and oogling them, and still catch and correct myself when I instinctually scan for novel mates. Perhaps this is behavior you also do, but may not realize it. Take the time to be mindful of your patterns and habits and work on correcting yourself, don’t sexualize a “hot girl”, and choose to see them as a real person, rather than oogling and using them for fantasy or PSub. If successful You might just find your higher brain cancels out your desire and persuing behaviors in your dreams.
    theBornAgain and Jennica like this.
  3. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Thank you @NF4L for the reply I will incorporate this in my life