Connecting Porn with Fantasy Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by rockstarsteves, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. rockstarsteves

    rockstarsteves Fapstronaut

    Just curious - who here (anyone that's relied on porn/fantasy versus real relationships) - also observed they had the tendency to have
    -Crushes, obsessions, unrequited love, longing or fantasy to that one "special" girl or guy - the one that was so hot that you felt so strong for?

    Personally - I see a big connection because attraction to unavailable people allows us to keep them safely distant to us while enablable us to project and have fantasies of them - making them the "perfect" person (who doesn't really exist). I see a correlation between the high that fantasy /porn gives to also seeing escape through crushes/longing - what about you?
    Jennica and Gary1969 like this.
  2. Gary1969

    Gary1969 Fapstronaut

    @rockstarsteves I can definitely relate to this. I've been projecting my fantasies on my crushes for years. It has become obsessive at times. I find that, for me, it is a self esteem issue. If I get any positive reaction from my crush - a laugh, a glance, whatever - it feeds my craving for recognition. But, it doesn't last long.

    I've been focusing on meditation to help with my self esteem and narcissistic tendencies.
    Jennica and rockstarsteves like this.