Constant Tiredness/Exhaustion

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Gilbert, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Does anyone else suffer with just feeling so so so tired all the time? I feel groggy and awful whenever I wake up, I could probably nod off most times of the day, my muscles ache and it takes a lot of effort to bend over/stand up etc ahah.

    I thought quitting caffeinated coffee, drinking more water and exercising more regularly (I run 3-ish times a week and other bits and bobs), but it's been over a month and I possibly feel as exhausted and achey as ever.

    Maybe it's my diet, my health, maybe it's psychological and I'm just telling myself I'm tired, maybe I need to sleep more (although I get 7-9 hours most nights), I dunno. I'm pretty skinny, but I eat quite a lot, perhaps I need to eat more. I dunno what it is.

    But anyway I thought I'd ask what people thought, if anyone else is similarly always tired and what other people to do to get energy and feel more awake?
  2. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    You may have an underlying sensitivity to something you are eating. My suggestion would be to cut out wheat and dairy to start for two weeks and see if anything improves. Also have your iron levels checked and maybe your testosterone. If either of those are low it can cause tiredness. I have a chronic issue with iron absorption and get tired too if I don't eat red meat once in a while.

    What do you think? What does your intuition tell you?
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You need to pop down to the GP and have an M.O.T., Gilbert me ol' mucker!

    Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym - TATT - which stands for "tired all the time".

    Tiredness is the most common symptom of all conditions, disorders and illnesses put together I wouldn't wonder.

    A raft of blood tests will rule out some of the likely culprits. But don't stress over it because that will just leave you TATT!
  4. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    I'm currently at the GP - hope I can get some sort of result, and if they test me agaaain for glandular fever I may go mad hahaha. I honestly have no idea what it is really.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yeah, they may do. It doesn't always show up positive in a blood test when it is present, I cannot remember why.

    But I hope they do a full spectrum of tests. Ruling things out can also be useful as ruling things in. I would be interested to know what happens Gilbert. Take care buddy.
  6. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    My advice is don't put all your trust in the GP. I did this for years and it was a huge mistake. I got all of my issues sorted out through a naturopathic Dr. So I highly highly recommend one if it is available to you. My GP told me my iron levels were fine because they fell within "normal" ranges. The normal range is between 4 and 300. Mine was 4!! If I hadn't asked him to print out my results I wouldn't have known how low they were. Maybe your Dr is smarter than mine is ;)

    Another thing is to ask for a thyroid TSH level test. Hypothyroidism causes lots of tiredness but a lot more symptoms too.
  7. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    I'm returning tomorrow for blood tests, however the doctor reckons they're likely to come back clear as I had some before Christmas that showed nothing, but still worth a go. I've also been given a number to ring in regards to my mental health - anxiety/depression and that, as I mentioned it to be a possible cause and the doctor agreed, so that could be useful in regards to my tiredness. We shall see!
  8. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I have an excellent GP. Ask for a print out of the blood test results and an explanation of each.

    I wouldn't bother with a naturopath personally. They will charge you loads and might be hopeless.
    That may be true. But why did he give you a number you have to ring? I should think he would have referred you to have an assessment with mental health worker. :confused:
  9. Gilbert

    Gilbert Fapstronaut

    Okay I'll see if I can get that.

    Haha yeah if it's not free healthcare I probably won't bother :p

    She* gave me the number, and I think I get some sort of phone consultation and have to do a questionnaire of sorts, then they go from there I guess. I shall hopefully ring tomorrow!
  10. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yeah, it will be NHS.
  11. Too much fap can do that..that is if you fap..
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