Daily Qi Gong

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Commandant Logic, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Thread idea sparked by yours truly @Dr. Jekyll

    Actually I first had the thought of starting this thread yesterday but abandoned the idea on second thought, lol.

    I mean I don't really feel a need to do it to help me practice Qi Gong daily, so I said why bother starting something that isn't really necessary.

    But after jumping in the the Doctor's abs thread I thought hey, on another thought this could be another fun daily checkpoint for me while using the NoFap forum. Sweet enough I guess.

    So, today I already knocked off the 8 Brocades set after some horse stance training and will do the 5 Element and Bone Marrow Cleanse routines later this evening. Just gonna basically check in to say whether I missed a day or just take notes related to Qi Gong at random times.

    These videos are highly recommended if Qi Gong catches your interest, alot of crap on YouTube, I definitely do not recommend teaching yourself a martial art lol but if that's all you can do as no authentic schools may be near you, don't do it on YouTube lol find a legitimate martial arts store website and forum. These videos are pretty rare, this woman told me she uploaded them for her students and this is Qi Gong passed down from an authentic Master who knew the energy systems of the body and not just the movements performed like a robot like Jake Mace.

    Jake Mace is not a real Master, lol. I would never take advice from him. Enough about fake kung fu, tai chi, and qi gong though this thread is for the genuine training :D

    It's so rare and difficult even to find true Masters these days. I'll share quality things from time to time perhaps.
    Retentionman likes this.
  2. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut


    Note to self: Watch Brother Man Tue's video. It looks wonderful.

    Second note to self: Don't let ego driven muscleheads deter this thread from continuing. Any testosterone fueled ego threads (given the nature of the forum they sometimes show up hehe) will be countered with the right intensity of digital medicine.
  3. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    I missed the rest of the routines due to mental clutter clouding my actions this evening. At least I sat for a full session of meditation. True Qi Gong could not be practiced properly without also having a meditation practice in place.

    @Shin Iu

    Brother Shin, my thoughts are with your progress.

  4. Rion008

    Rion008 Fapstronaut

    Wow I'm glad others on here do Qi Gong! I practice it a lot and have studied personally with a Master (went to China with him and a group) as well as classes with another Master.

  5. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I am not sure if it's real or not. I never heard Chinese heaven had the order to spread its knowledge to outsiders. (nothing offence, but this is the different time compared to past thousands of years).
    Commandant Logic likes this.
  6. Shin Iu

    Shin Iu Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I am not sure if it's real or not. I never heard Chinese heaven had the order to spread its knowledge to outsiders. (nothing offence, but this is the different time compared to past thousands of years).
    It's better to be careful of the quality of what you learned!
    Commandant Logic likes this.
  7. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Shin thank you for your native discretion ;)

    It's true, many authentic Chinese Masters would traditionally never think of teaching a foreigner and are very wary of Western caucasians in general.

    Where the Western man once called Chinese people Orientals and Chinamen, Chinese people called the Western man White Devils.

    This is the 21st century can we leave nationalist bias out of this thread please? Thanks.

    The key for learning from an authentic, traditional Master is respect and humility. Traditional Masters would often 'test' a student before accepting them to train under them.

    I think I should share this:


    Martial Morality
    by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, December 6, 2007
    Martial Morality: Master Yang learning Qi Men Jian with Grandmaster Li, 1970

    Martial morality has always been a required discipline in Chinese martial arts society. Teachers have long considered martial morality to be the most important criterion for judging students, and they have made it the most important part of the training in the traditional Chinese martial arts. It includes two aspects: the morality of deed and the morality of mind.

    Morality of deed includes: Humility, Respect, Righteousness, Trust, and Loyalty.

    Morality of mind consists of: Will, Endurance, Perseverance, Patience, and Courage.

    Traditionally, only those students who had cultivated these standards of morality were considered to be worthy of teaching. Of the two aspects of morality, the morality of deed is more important, because itconcerns the student’s relationship with master and classmates, other martial artists, and the general public. Students who are not moral in their actions are not worthy of being taught, since they cannot be trusted or even respected. Furthermore, without morality of deed, they may abuse the art and use their fighting ability to harm innocent people. Therefore, masters will normally watch their students carefully for a long time until they are sure that the students have matched their standards of morality of deed before letting them start serious training.

    Morality of mind is for the self-cultivation which is required to reach the final goal. The Chinese consider that we have two minds, an “Emotional mind” (Xin) and a “Wisdom mind” (Yi). Usually, when a person fails in something it is because the emotional mind has dominated their thinking. The five elements in the morality of mind are the keys to training, and they lead the student to the stage where the wisdom mind can dominate. This self-cultivation and discipline should be the goal of any martial arts training philosophy.


    Humility comes from controlling your feelings of pride. In China it is said: “Satisfaction (pride) loses, humility earns benefits.” When you are satisfied with yourself, you will not think deeply, and you will not be willing to learn. However, if you remain humble, you will always be looking for ways to better yourself, and you will keep on learning. Remember, there is no limit to knowledge. It does not matter how deep you have reached, there is always a deeper level. Confucius said, “If three people walk by, there must be one of them who can be my teacher.” There is always someone who is more talented or more knowledgeable than you in some field. The Chinese say: “There is always a man beyond the man, there is a sky above the sky.” Since this is so, how can you be proud of yourself?

    Respect is the foundation of your relationship with your parents, teachers, your fellow students, other martial artists, and all other people in society. Respect makes a harmonious relationship possible. However, the most important type of respect is self-respect. If you can’t respect yourself, how can you respect others or expect them to respect you? Respect must be earned, you cannot request or demand it.

    In China, it is said: “Those who respect themselves and others will also be respected.” For example, if you despise yourself and become a villain in this society, then you have lost your self-respect. Since you have abused your personality and humility as a human, why should other people respect you? Only when you have demonstrated that you are deserving of respect will respect come to you automatically and naturally.

    Righteousness is a way of life. Righteousness means that if there is something you should do, you don’t hesitate to take care of it, and if there is something that you should not do, you don’t get involved with it. Your wisdom mind should be the leader, not your emotional mind. If you can do this, then you will feel clear spiritually, and avoid being plagued by feelings of guilt. If you can demonstrate this kind of personality you will be able to avoid evil influences, and you will earn the trust of others.

    Trust includes being trustworthy, and also trusting yourself. You must develop a personality which other people can trust. For example, you should not make promises lightly, but if you have made a promise, you should fulfill it. Trust is the key to friendship, and the best way of earning respect. The trust of a friend is hard to gain, but easy to lose. Self-trust is the root of confidence. You must learn to build up your confidence and demonstrate it externally. Only then can you earn the trust and respect of others.

    Loyalty is the root of trust. You should be loyal to your teacher and to your friends, and they should also be loyal to you. Loyalty lets mutual trust grow. In the Chinese martial arts, it is especially crucial that there be loyalty between you and your master. This loyalty is built upon a foundation of obedience to your master. Obedience is the prerequisite for learning. If you sincerely desire to learn, you should rid yourself of false dignity. You must bow to your teacher both mentally and spiritually. Only this will open the gates of trust. A teacher will not teach someone who is always concerned about his own dignity. Remember, in front of your teacher, you do not have dignity.


    Will (Yi Zhi)
    It usually takes a while to demonstrate a strong will. This is because of the struggle between the emotional mind and the wisdom mind. If your wisdom mind governs your entire being you will be able to suppress the disturbances that come from the emotional mind, and your will can last. A strong will depends upon the sincerity with which you commit yourself to your goal. This has to come from deep within you, and can’t be just a casual, vague desire. Oftentimes, the students who show the greatest eagerness to learn in the beginning, quit the soonest, while those who hide their eagerness deep inside their hearts stay the longest.

    Endurance, Perseverance, and Patience (Ren Nai, Yi Li, Heng Xin)
    Endurance, perseverance, and patience are the manifestations of a strong will. People who are successful are not always the smartest ones, but they are always the ones who are patient and who persevere. People who are really wise do not use wisdom only to guide their thinking, they also use it to govern their personalities. Through cultivating these three elements you will gradually build up a profound mind, which is the key to the deepest essence of learning. If you know how to use your mind to ponder as you train, it can lead you to a deeper stage of understanding. If you can manifest this understanding in your actions you will be able to surpass others.

    Courage (Yong Gan)
    Courage is often confused with bravery. Courage originates with the understanding that comes from the wisdom mind. Bravery is the external manifestation of courage, and can be considered to be the child of the wisdom and the emotional minds. For example, if you have the courage to accept a challenge, that means your mind has understood the situation and made a decision. Next, you must be brave enough to face the challenge. Without courage, the bravery cannot last long. Without the profound comprehension of courage, bravery can be blind and stupid.

    Daring to face a challenge that you think needs to be faced is courage. But successfully manifesting courage requires more than just a decision from your wisdom mind. You also need a certain amount of psychological preparation so that you can be emotionally balanced; this will give your bravery a firm root so that it can endure. Frequently you do not have enough time to think and make a decision. A wise person always prepares, considering the possible situations that might arise, so that when something happens he will be ready and can demonstrate bravery.

    YMAA schools and students must understand, demonstrate, and promote these concepts, and work to reestablish martial morality as a integral aspect of all martial arts training.
    Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, is a renowned author and teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong. Born in Taiwan, he has trained and taught Taijiquan, Qigong and Chinese martial arts for over forty-five years. He is the author of over thirty books, and was elected by Inside Kung Fu magazine as one of the 10 people who has "made the greatest impact on martial arts in the past 100 years." Dr. Yang lives in Northern California.
    Rion008 likes this.
  8. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut


    If you're gonna learn at home (you're gonna come nowhere close to learning fully if that's the case) I'd recommend this channel to start with:


    Very traditional company but they also offer alot of stuff if your only interest is fitness and health.

    Aside from the tremendous healing and energetic benefits for mind, body, and spirit Qi Gong is really a moving meditation in the deepest sense.
  9. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Note to self: watch these already would ya pal!!!

  10. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    I think what will aid my daily practice the most is maintaining the proper frame of mind that a true martial artist should have. I certainly am not ready for a Daily Kung Fu thread yet and so with this Qi Gong thread I must share the true essence of martial arts training, for my own sake. When I progress to a certain degree with recovery from fapping, I will abandon this thread (BUT NOT MY DAILY QI GONG PRACTICE OH NO THAT IS FOR LIFE I TELL YOU!!!) and transition to a Daily Gong Fu thread.

    The images are to make sure the practice does not deviate while I am training by myself, at home. Without a Master, who is there to train my ego???

  11. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Practice went smoothly today. It's no coincidence that using the internet for too long on any device scatters your thoughts and has a lasting effect on your attention span, a shortening type of effect....The Glass Cage: How Our Computers Are Changing Us

    Physically the practice was satisfactory. Mentally it was cluttered with wandering thoughts of what I was doing on the internet earlier. Sigh. I see one must moderate technology to make practice more effective. This needs to happen ASAP.

  12. Rion008

    Rion008 Fapstronaut

    Great reply right after Commandant Logic.

    Times are different now and there are more bridges to ancient traditions and culture. My Master moved to U.S.A. years ago and in some ways took heat by breaking away from tradition but it was part of his path to bring Qi Gong to the 'West' - America.

    My tantra master was basically the first in the West to bring the knowledge to a wider audience decades ago. Doing Qi Gong on ur own is great but it IS that real connection with an authentic master that will open the world up. Most of ur sessions will still be on ur own but u will notice a major difference.
    Commandant Logic likes this.
  13. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Do you still practice qigong?

    (BTW readers Chi Kung is the same as Qi Gong obviously, these spellings are 'pinyin', the romanized version of Chinese that people use while studying the language. Qi Gong is more phonetically accurate. Chi Kung is like really, really Americanized pinyin LOL. Some people spell it as separate words, sometimes as one word, lower case or upper, all a matter of preference. I like Qi Gong upper cased and separate to hold the artform is high esteem number one, and number two it really should be two separate words...)
  14. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the vides, actually I intend to learn qi gong, tai chi and aikido through youtube lol, I know it's probably not the best option but I guess It's better than nothing. Also I think the key to learn those disciplines it's just that discipline. Will add these videos to my playlist
    Commandant Logic likes this.
  15. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Any advice in training by myself?
  16. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Don't, lol.

    No but for real man my advice is go to a martial arts forum to ask this lol dude.

    Great Aikido doc:

  17. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Such a shallow understanding.

    No judging. You already seem like you know everything in a way with that statement. Not really, but sort of?....
  18. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    Fuck man.

    I probably should have clarified my intentions for this thread, this is exactly what I should have foreseen but failed to lol.

    People coming in here talking about doing exactly what I'm advising people not to. Such is the modern era. The internet age is an age of self taught 'experts' I tell you. 'Experts' as in not really.
  19. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Good idea, I'll look for a good forum on each discipline,
    Commandant Logic likes this.
  20. Commandant Logic

    Commandant Logic Fapstronaut

    I'm telling you man, YouTube looks like a good idea but your chances of following a phony are soooo high. Some people put on quite the show for the sake of fame and profit.