David - f**king - Icke

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BestVersionToday, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. Anybody into this guy, follow his work?

    Sounds a bit far fetched but I did buy his book "everything you need to know" and I'm about to buy tickets to his Australian tour.

    What do you think, is this guy bananas?

    What I can't understand is he says we are all possibility but what does that mean? What can we do about it? Not live in fear? Anybody have any insight? I got some other stuff to get through before I continue reading this 700 page book.
  2. Hes partially bananas and partially right. He has some thought provoking ideas so its worth it. But create your own conclusions. I have not checked his recent work.
  3. What have you checked out?

    What makes you say he's partially a nutter? I mean he's spoken about a lot of outrages things and Im not taking sides, but anything is possible. We need to study the facts.
  4. Reptilians seem a bit far fetched for example, but I know even that might be true. Honestly, I dont care about such things no more, thats why Im not up to the speed with his recent works. I try to search inside me more nowadays, I had many flaws to work on, and if there are reptilians, so what :)