Day 1. Let the journey commence.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ayman.kas, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Ayman.kas

    Ayman.kas Fapstronaut

    Well hello there!
    Name's Ayman! In the last month, I've been down in the dumps lately. Just recently gotten out of a break up and have lost focus on what's been important.
    So slowly slowly, I started to listen to motivational speeches and spending time with positive people until...I stumbled upon a video talking about NoFap. Now in all honesty, I laughed when I first saw it because I've always masturbated and have never seen anything wrong with it. I've always seen it as a leisure activity. A little me time.
    However I was still curious about it. So i watched lots of videos about people's journeys and i realised i had an addiction. And the thing is everytime i masturbated i couldn't help but become emotional because I would always think about my ex. That's when I realised I'm in a very dark place.
    So here's the skinny, I'm going on a 30 day trial (for now) of NoFap and will aim to fix myself physically, mentally and spiritually. let's see where this journey will go! Stay along for the ride.
    let's make the days count. Here we go! Day 1!
    Sujoslav and Moosewriter like this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome Ayman, I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry no one welcomed you earlier. keep coming back! If I can help, let me know.
    Ayman.kas likes this.