Day 59 - Help!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Jo-trying, Apr 9, 2019.

  1. Jo-trying

    Jo-trying Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, just joined NoFap. I've been trying to break this addiction for 22 years now - longest streak was 6 months and then... I've been an avid reader of advice and experiences posted by other members of this community and decided it was time to stop trying to do this alone. In my country there are no support groups and there aren't many therapists that specialise in porn addiction.

    As stated in the title, I've managed to white-knuckle it to today (day 59), but I feel like I'm minutes away from falling down that deep, dark hole and who knows how long I'll be scratching the walls for a grip to start climbing out yet again. I'm as sincere as I possibly can be when saying this, I REALLY want to stop this cycle of self-abuse and pain. My depression started at about the same time as frequent porn use. Go figure.

    The whole erectile dysfunction thing is also a problem, not getting pleasure from anything or any part of my life just sucks! Any advice or help or just someone saying, "Hang in there, you'll make it this time" will be appreciated. Thanks for listening...
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
  2. Wants_tochange

    Wants_tochange Fapstronaut

    Welcome brother,

    I know there are moments that seem almost impossible to get through when you’re feeling withdrawal. But believe me 59 days is quite an accomplishment for some of the guys and girls here. Stay strong as best you can and if you’re feeling weak explore the forums for awhile and consider reaching out for some help.

    We’re all in this together! So glad you’re joining us.
  3. Jo-trying

    Jo-trying Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for responding Wants_tochange. Today was really tough, but I got through. Writing my post above and, as you suggested, exploring the forums kept my attention occupied enough to resist the urge.

    I am grateful to not have to fight this alone anymore - just knowing there's a community of men and women that are facing the same struggles really helps me cope.

    Thanks again, your message really means a lot to me.
    Wants_tochange likes this.
  4. Wants_tochange

    Wants_tochange Fapstronaut

    No problem! That’s what we’re all here for! You’re never in this alone here.