Dealing with negative circumstances.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ronald, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Ronald

    Ronald Fapstronaut

    I'm a loop, a loop of thinking I'm ready to conquer this, but realisations of circumstances make me go back.

    I mentioned before that being able to deal with the disappointments without going back to porn is a big reason for relapse, when in a reboot stage, it's too difficult to break habits. The heartache of realising that I won't be able to start a dream job for my chosen career path is one I am finding unbearable. The specifics don't particularly matter on my situation.

    It could be anything from death of a loved one, repossession of your house, getting fired from a job or a divorce/break-up (very relevant if it wasn't porn that was the cause), being a victim of crime.

    I am hoping someone to reply something more elaborative then, "Be strong, you can beat this addiction" . It is nice to hear words of encouragement like this my friends, but I am hoping for more insight. More specifically how to deal with negative circumstances with life without going back to porn.

    Thanks for reading and even bigger thanks for your replies friends!
  2. Phoenix-free

    Phoenix-free Fapstronaut

    Ronald, you might check out my most recent journal entry...I believe your 'negative' feelings are a way for your mind/soul to express a need that is being neglected. If your definition of 'deal[ing] with the disappointments' is somehow learning to continue life without letting the disappointments control your behavior (i.e. resorting to PMO), I think you need a new perspective. You say the specifics don't matter in your situation...the specifics DO matter. They matter to the way you're feeling, they are crucial to figuring out how to satisfy those unmet needs that lead to those feelings of discouragement, depression, anxiety, loneliness, etc. I always tell people that I don't recommend anyone relapse on purpose, but DO take advantage of a relapse to really get to the bottom of what is happening in your life. You can message me if you want to have a more in-depth discussion. I am by no means a professional when it comes to quitting PMO. I'm on a good streak right now, but more important, I'm learning to notice my feelings and beginning to figure out what they really mean and what they're trying to say to I can address those issues in a healthy way. I feel for you...having been on the PMO treadmill for 20 years...I'm ready to get off the treadmill and take a walk outside.