Done with porn for good!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rico too strong, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Rico too strong

    Rico too strong Fapstronaut

    Hi guys I'm 24 years of age male and South African.

    I've been watching porn for like 15 years now.
    I signed up for nofap 2/3 years ago and dropped out because lord knows why, but I'm back again and I believe that this time I'll be able to see this thru.
    I'm starting with a 3 day challenge wish me luck.

    Thank you.
  2. Rico too strong

    Rico too strong Fapstronaut

    It's been a couple of hours of day zero (3 hours to be exact) still going strong
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  3. Rico too strong

    Rico too strong Fapstronaut

    Morning fapstronauts

    Checking in again :) :)
    Day 1/3
    5:47am just woke went check some socials then came to nofap went through a few post and read the amazing stories written by my fellow fapstronauts.

    I have nothing much to do today so I'm just going to look for something to watch on Netflix probably sleep in like a hour or two.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  4. Good luck on your quest. You have a good advantage in that you are stopping at 24 and not wasting any more years on porn.
    Rico too strong and blacklabel92 like this.
  5. blacklabel92

    blacklabel92 Fapstronaut


    Welcome back broskiii!!! You got this man!!!
    Rico too strong likes this.
  6. Rico too strong

    Rico too strong Fapstronaut

    1/3 done and dusted!!!!

    It's about 23:21 here in South Africa I'm watching the game Chelsea vs Leeds and Chelsea is winning so it's a good day after all.

    My day

    Woke up helped around the house watched a bit of TV went out to buy some food slept and basically that sums up my day.
    I'm probably going watch a few episodes of The Code on Netflix before i call it a day. :)
  7. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Keep going.

    Turn off your internet even for a day and see that you’re left with yourself. It’s just you. Technology has become a dangerous distraction, especially if used poorly.
  8. DvD FM

    DvD FM New Fapstronaut

    Uma dica muito Importante para você, na próxima vez que estiveres próximo da recaída pensa no que te levou a aderir ao modo de vida NoFap.

    Já agora, podes compartilhar o que te levou à esse modo de vida?
  9. Rico too strong

    Rico too strong Fapstronaut

    Tudo o que estou dizendo no momento é graças a Deus pelo Google Translate, caso contrário, eu não seria capaz de entender e responder a esta mensagem

    De qualquer forma, não foi o momento de maior orgulho, porque tive uma recaída, então não posso responder sua pergunta.

    Mas eu acredito em tentar de novo Não vou desistir Vou continuar tentando um dia Eu sei que vou acertar