Don't know how to reduce access to technology...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by GeorgeWashingmachine, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. GeorgeWashingmachine

    GeorgeWashingmachine New Fapstronaut

    At my Grandpa's house, which I visit every few weeks, he has a completely unattended computer and thick laptop in his bonus room, one of which I have used for porn before. And in his dining room there is just this tablet sitting there on one of his chairs. I have already completely gotten technology out of my life at home but I just can't risk seeing porn when I go to his place. I also have a problem where there is YouTube and other movie apps on his TV in that very same bonus room, but of course if I block YouTube on his TV, then my addicted mind will take me to one of his dozens of movie apps, and I can't just go blocking his movie apps. So, please help me if you have some advice on tech. Obviously ideally I would like it so that it is impossible for me to use the tablet, laptop, and computer but I don't know if that is possible. Thank you so much if you are reading this...
  2. You have two options. 1. Prove your will is stronger then the urge to watch porn and defiling your Grandfathers electronics. 2. Tell him about your problem and ask that he keeps his technology locked up while you are there. You honestly have no other options.
  3. GeorgeWashingmachine

    GeorgeWashingmachine New Fapstronaut

    Honestly, I just can't have his technology (especially his computer) be an issue because last time I watched porn I was scrolling on a regular nsfw subreddit and I clicked on a video expecting it to be 'good,' based of the title, but it turned out to be some unholy abomination of some trans guy and like 4 other women banging a single women and that left me traumatized and I am still dealing with the effects to this day. I just can't have that happen again, which is why there is no way in hell that I can ever see porn again. I just can't be mentally debilitated like that again. That was like taking a Tsar Bomba directly to the brain. This is why I need as many options as possible so I can make the chances that I watch porn at his house near 0. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help strangers though, greatly appreciate it.
  4. My word... I had no idea porn can be that bad... gross.
    fusion47 likes this.
  5. Jamis Bill

    Jamis Bill New Fapstronaut

    I am addicted; I told my brother to fix my phone, and he caught me. I am feeling guilty because he used to respect me a lot.
  6. WriteMeow

    WriteMeow Fapstronaut

    Your brother probably watches porn too, and if he doesn't he probably understands what you're going through. Every man has this struggle at some point in their life.

    Granted I don't know your Grandpa... I would enlist his help. Sunlight can be liberating.
  7. Jamis Bill

    Jamis Bill New Fapstronaut

    He is a religious type, and I do not know, but maybe.
  8. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    Religious types have struggles too. That's not the issue. The issue is whether the person is open to change and personal growth. If they are themselves trying to lesrn and develop they will be likely to have more empathy.