Dont know where to go

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by dutchy_, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. dutchy_

    dutchy_ Fapstronaut

    Hello all
    I wanna share my little life story
    I dk where to start... I'm so far from who I want to become
    Working 3 days a week with alot of freetime
    and I dont like the work I do at all
    PMO Is not the problem
    I know I can stop this horrible addiction if I change my mindset but ... the problem is I cant find anything that I love to do to replace and distract myself from PMO
    I wish i had a busy life like I have no friends at all, no hobby's, no gf and Im just a loser who is trying to survive everyday is a boring day laying in bed doing nothing and getting these urges to PMO again and again
    I live with my parents and they really wanna help me with everything so Im very thankful for that but they also have their lifes and feels like they are getting tired of me
    I just dont know anymore
    I dont understand how people live their life knowing everything they want in life and for me its not working <:(
    I pray to God to help me find job I like and GF but everyday just feels like I want to give up life
    In school college I also never knew what I wanted to do in life
    I search on internet and went to coach to help me find something I like but everything seems boring to me
    There has to be some job that I like but I cant find it
    I can say for myself If I find it I will give 1000% myself to it and Ill be so motivated again to live
    Now I used to be a editor before just editing vids and posting on youtube
    I loved doing that and I got really good at it but things changed over years
    I maked a very very dumb mistake and that led to me falling into depression and it got worse and more worse each year and I just ended up deleting the channel and everything
    I wanna pick life back up thats why I really really would like to work at a job that I actually love doing, whenever I finish the next day I cant wait to get back to work
    my dream is to find a gf and start a business with her together. My dad is willing to help me with the business, my dad has his own business so he knows he can help me its just that I dont know what I want to become.. I dont care if it doesn't pay good I just want to find my passion just what I love
    I know when I find it I can distract myself from PMO addiction and not lay in bed all day waiting for every next day
    sry for my bad english but is anyone having same problem? Im very thankful if anyone has some advice
    Abel100% likes this.
  2. If you liked editing if it possible get a computer science degree and become a computer scientist
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How does editing relate to Computer Science?
  4. Like bruv it's within the same field
  5. If someone does editing its most likely that they would like to write codes
  6. dutchy_

    dutchy_ Fapstronaut

    My bad, I meant video editing as in editing games/montages on songs with 3D VFX
  7. Oh ok