First time nofap fapstronaut, 12 days in I fapped....time to start again

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Faptacular, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Faptacular

    Faptacular Fapstronaut

    Hi fellow Fapstronauts, this is my first time posting to the community. I started the Nofap on Wednesday the 27th, 12 days in I couldn't take it any longer and I fapped only a short time ago. While I feel pretty good now, I'm quiet annoyed at myself that I failed and I'm starting again.

    I've been reading through the forums and other online sources for info and support. I got 4 days into the challenge without even touching it, and overall I felt amazing. I went on a birthday night out with friends about the 4 day mark, and I felt like a different person, just so at ease with people and so much more confident than usual, felt like I had a completely different aura about myself than usual.

    After that night out I had edged a few times, but did infact delete all the porn from my computer, even installed a porn blocker on my browser at the beginning of the challenge. But to no avail, I think I started flat lining a few days ago, began feeling a bit down with life, not much motivation and just generally wanted to watch porn and fap.....:rolleyes:

    I did indeed not plan to fap, but then edging led to fapping which then led to the darkside, and switching off my web browsers porn blocker.

    So to cut a long story short, I have been a prolific fapper and porn user since the ripe old age of 14. I work in the oilfield so on my two weeks away on the rig I pretty much barely fap and have no porn, usually just too busy working. Yet when I'm home with too much time on my hands, with fiber optic internet FAP FAP FAppppp.......

    My goals in the NoFap challenge is to become completely porn FREE. To be more outgoing and sociable, ultimately finding a lasting and meaningful relationship and have a family etc etc, and to completely reset my brain away from porn forever.

    Thanks for reading
  2. FrostyDan

    FrostyDan Fapstronaut

    Great idea putting the blocker on your computer, however you should not be able to turn it off. That's like like an alcoholic putting a lock on the liquor cabinet and keeping the key on his car key ring. If you want a blocker to be effective, then you will have to surrender some control and use a program with a admin password that your friend sets up so you can't alter or delete the program. I recommend Covenant Eyes. It's what I use. I can't get rid of it or hack it for that matter (I've tried). It also has a panic button in case things are too difficult that will shut you out of the internet until you friend resets it.
  3. Faptacular

    Faptacular Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply Dan, good advice. I may do that, will see how I go with my second attempt first, re-installed my blocker and got a friend to put in a password, so now I can't disable or uninstall it. Day 1 going well so far :rolleyes: