Five Reasons To Do NoFap Now

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Modernday-SR, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. Modernday-SR

    Modernday-SR New Fapstronaut

    1. Dramatic increased enjoyment to the small everyday pleasures of life. Things like fresh air, smiling at strangers, and great pleasure from social interaction with friends and bonding. This is because you are downregulating your pleasure receptors in your brain from the ultimate stimulus ; orgasm, to where the receptors have become super sensitive.
    2. Living in a state of confidence due to lack of shame that manifests unconsciously. This state of shame comes from watching pornography and prevades your psyche. It leaks out, from your inner world to your outer world in subtle and not so subtle ways : dead eyes, head downturned, shoulders slumped. These are all body language cues that signal hormonal changes within the body to create a hellish state of the soul known as depression. This is why when you retain, it signals the opposite cue of hormones the body : testosterone, growth hormone, which, again, is the inner world manifesting in outer world changes of confidence and desire to succeed. How your inner world unfolds alters how the outer world interacts with you. This is what appears as synchronicities or the feeling of awe that the world is just going your way, whilst retaining.
    3. When you retain your semen, you stand up to the most powerful and influential force known to man...mother nature and her biological imperative to reproduce. This is truely a practice in the exercise of the will. Your willpower muscle makes immense gains in this regard and suddenly many things that were hard to do before, such as dieting and excersice or homework or taking action I business, suddey become less difficult. They are 10 pound dumbbell wieghts compared to the 100 pound dumbbell wieghts of refraining from ejaculation.
    4. You reject the pull of sex culture and your body rewards you by cultivating your masculine energy. This is a rarity I. The modern day, particularly the west. Everyone believes sex and sex culture is normal and thus throw away those masculine energy. This is what makes you stand out In subtle ways. This is the reason for female attraction. The paradox however is not wanting sex and to retain semen is inversely proportional to sex and and ejaculation tempting you. Be mindful of these tests.
    5. Your biological drive requires great investme to manifest. You used to have to be successful, wealthy, a man of stairs In The community with accompishmments before you could have sex and reproduce. Now days you just need a phone and internet. With Nofap, you return to the original form. The desire to become the top man you can be returns with a vengeance. You will see your mission and goals in this life as the ultimate meaning, sex as a meachanksm of reproduction and bonding with your woman to ensure tribal cohesion and NOT as a vehicle of pleasure. Masturbation is subsequently renounced the same way we rencounce satan.
  2. 007malone

    007malone Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing !
    Modernday-SR likes this.
  3. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Really nice.
    I copy this to my private wisdom book :)
    Modernday-SR likes this.
  4. Modernday-SR

    Modernday-SR New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for reading