Flatline or Relapse? (strange situation)

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by tritonboats, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. tritonboats

    tritonboats Fapstronaut

    Today I just lost my streak of 9 days and during those 9 I did quite well, however around days 7 and 8 i had almost no temptation to watch porn. Today though I was bored and got around my blocking mechanisim and watched and pmo'd twice. I guess my question is did I fully reset to where I started or am I still in a potential flatline period? I spent some time with my gf tonight and it went well. Nothing sexual just making out and it was fun but I only was half chub even at the highest intensity parts (better than no response at all) however I'm just curious if I'm back to square one or if I get on another streak from here I will continue to heal. If anyone has any insight or a similar experience please let me know. Love all of you brothers and the support you bring.
  2. Hey, relapsing and flatlining are just two of the same thing, your flatline can last a loooooong time, I know as I'm still going through it, but if you give it time your libido will return. I have had moments when my libido returned, but then it goes again for almost no reason. Get away from the porn and stay away from the porn, not for a streak, but for good and you'll be fine. Just live for the day and don't think about it been a streak, that implies you're gonna lapse again and have another!
    Josphat likes this.
  3. That has happened to me a lot too.
    Having close to no urges then ending up relapsing because of boredom. Try as much to avoid situations when you're bored and alone because the chances of relapsing are quite high in that situation
  4. tritonboats

    tritonboats Fapstronaut

    I feel that for sure bro. One thing i'm gonna start using is screen time restrictions so I'm not just aimlessly wandering on the internet, that and have a bed time of 11:30. Ive found staying up late only causes me trouble.
    kjones likes this.
  5. tritonboats

    tritonboats Fapstronaut

    Awesome advice and insight, thank you brother. Heres to never going back.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. kjones

    kjones New Fapstronaut

    I am also having the same problem bro, am also to ground zero. I dint watch porn but I watch some obscene things that made me masturbate I feel awful so you ain't in this alone. I just want to know how these pips makes to 45 days.
  7. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    No, you don't go back to square one atleast neurologically. I would reset my counter cause a relapse is a relapse but i can assure you that you haven't ruined your progression. Don't binge right now as it will ruin your progression completely. Aim for a higher streak right now. Small steps aim to great victories!