Florian 22 y.o and an pornadicct


Hey everyone, I am Florian from germany and I realy want to get rid of this adicction.

I started mastrubating when I was 14, a classmate told me about it and how good it is, now 8 years later I managed to see how bad Pornography and masteunation are.

To start the recovery I choose some hobbys in my last streak, I started to work out and photography.

I think this and the forum will be essential ingrediens to be successfull.

Thank you for reading.
Hey everyone, I am Florian from germany and I realy want to get rid of this adicction.

I started mastrubating when I was 14, a classmate told me about it and how good it is, now 8 years later I managed to see how bad Pornography and masteunation are.

To start the recovery I choose some hobbys in my last streak, I started to work out and photography.

I think this and the forum will be essential ingrediens to be successfull.

Thank you for reading.
Good luck dude, I wish you success and happiness. :-)

Gracias x tu sinceridad ... a mí también me pasó, q me contaron lo gratificante que era y de allí ...comenzó todo ...
Ahora la Lucha es por tener:
Domino de uno mismo
Auto valoración
Auto estima
La práctica de PMO, puede ser tal , que impida a uno Vivir a plenitud , y caer en el l pozo de la Depresión, actualmente Lucho para salir de ese pozo... A pesar de haber fracasado y perdido a mi familia al indio de la Pandemia