Get Out of The Matrix! 30 days out and loving it! Chronicles of a Chicken.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by dicktracey, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. dicktracey

    dicktracey Fapstronaut

    Warning: Triggers and Strong Language is Used.

    I’ve changed my life in these past 30 days. I’m naturally an introvert, before my life was dull, real women scared me. I was hesitant doing things in public, like driving to get groceries. I was somewhat content with being single/being in a relationship with my computer screen. While doing nofap, my mood and sleep has improved, little things don’t bother me as much. I now get boners thinking about coworkers, and before they were not on my radar. One word from a pretty girl also give me an erection. Powerful morning wood and the occasional hot dream are a thing now(although not as powerful or frequent as the first two weeks) Also now I have the desire to go out and meet women. All of which I had little interest before, real women were meh. Now real women are the hottest and most desirable thing on this planet. Life seems to have a purpose now and feels real and right. I don’t think PMO is a shameful thing at all, but it’s soo unnatural and feeds into a negative dopamine loop(Andrew Huberman explains this very well) I feel that people on top, want men to be addicted to porn, because it makes us less aggressive, docile, and they can take all the women for themselves. I feel deadly and dangerous now. I’m not looking for fights, but I would take pleasure in defending myself. Also, I hesitate less now, if I want to do something, I do it right away without thinking. I still have fear and anxiety in me, but the voice is much quieter and gets overpowered by my desire to meet women. I’m still the same cowardly person I always was, but with nofap I feel my body has random YOLO boosters. Out of nowhere, I visit a nude festival, lift some weights, creep/try to pick up women on streets, ask out coworkers, etc. The chicken inside me is alive and strong, but the YOLO booster momentarily overrides it. When I was doing PMO, I would never dare to do any of these things. In my opinion, nofap is worth it alone for the random YOLO boosters, because I get to live and experience life a little more.

    However, having bad detox days sucks balls, like PMS for men, feel very low testosterone and low energy. Like other posts on here, you feel like you are withering away or the fire is dying. Still better than being a slave to porn and our ancestors probably went years without sex, and they still made you, so don’t worry your dick won’t fall off(is what I tell myself).

    I’ve tried cutting out porn many many many times, often relapsing at 1 to 5 days and experiencing lots of pain during and after. This time however, was relatively easier than all of my previous attempts. Definitely not pain free or a cake walk, but almost.. After countless trials and errors, I think I cracked the code, and wish to share my findings with you brothers.

    Eliminating all video, imagery, and games is working for me very well. (youtube, sports,, Netflix, instagram, videogames, etc.) The youtube women IMO are hotter and more triggering than porn women, especially when videos are personally edited, and voice-overed by the youtubers. Youtube and movies are more personal and interactive than porn, which makes it more dangerous and stimulating than conventional porn in some ways. In my opinion, people are more addicted to youtube and videogames, which drains dopamine, adrenaline, etc.(maybe even more than porn does) Playing video games for 10 hours a day or watching videos all day does not seem healthy to me and are MASSIVE TRIGGERS. Sports and videogames may seem controversial to eliminate, but because of the high amounts of adrenaline, cortisol, dopamine, etc, it can you put you in a drug addicted mindset/dopamine drought, craving more of these chemicals after you play your game/sport. However, hiking, exercise, and working out is not in this category, I highly recommend them.

    I’m hesitant on consuming auditory content as well, it can be very triggering when you hear a pretty voice through your headphones or Joe Rogan talk about women, vices, the newest stupid thing on social media, etc. Also, Joe Rogan is a freak of nature, he can use all the vices and still have the motivation to go the gym and make money, too triggering for me. However, listening to the occasional NPR broadcast doesn’t seem too bad.

    Don’t Replace Porn with Another Bad Addiction. Many of you bros are openly aware of your addiction to Youtube, Videogames, etc. which can be even more draining and time consuming than porn. So I don’t see you coming out on top if you replace something bad with something just as bad. Here are some good addiction suggestions. Working out, eating healthy, making money, honing a skill, your job, hiking, finding women, meditation, prayer, learning a foreign language, etc. Nofap is only one piece of the puzzle, you must do other things like working out and exercise to get the benefits and there is no way I’m working out if I have Netflix, Youtube, and Videogames draining my energy, time, and sleep.

    I’ve realized that Micro-dosing is rubbish, just my addicted mind trying to weasel in some porn. Like some of you gentlemen said, “it’s a slippery slope” that leads backwards.

    Also, the usage of Penalties is also rubbish, motivation should come from within. And more importantly penalties make you crave and lust porn even more, putting it on a pedestal, like the forbidden fruit.

    A huge part of my success is because of Qi Gong(Transmutation/Praying/Electromagnetic fields/ whatever you call it). Before, I used PMO to sedate my negative emotions, relieve stress, desires, etc. I realized that I will explode if I don’t have an outlet for these emotions and sexual energy. That’s where Qi Gong comes in. I recommend “Awaken Healing Light” by Mantak Chia. For those of you too lazy to read, I’ll give you the cliff notes. Currently, society for the most part is peaceful, so being a negative nancy is not that useful. Cooperation and being nice to people is the way to go, but we cannot cooperate and be nice to other people if we are not that way inside or to ourselves. Like the famous quote, “love yourself first, before loving others." If you don’t, you will drain yourself and crash and burn. Also when you love yourself and emit love, you get all this energy from people and the environment. Opening the roads and bridges if you will. So the first step. Love, forgive, and be gentle with yourself. Second step. Harness all your negative emotions and feed them into positive emotions. A powerful method to achieve this is to attach the opposite charge(ex. yin/yang, fire/water) If you hate someone, try to turn it around and love them. Put yourself in their shoes, their upbringing, their circumstances. Turn “hate into love.” Turn “sadness and depression into courage.” Your body is giving you emotional signals(Sadness, depression, etc.), telling you something is wrong. Turn it into Courage to do something about it. Turn “worry into openness.” Be vulnerable, let whatever happens, happen. Turn “anger into kindness.” This one works in tangent with turn Hate into Love. Turn “fear into gentleness.” Be gentle with yourself and other people. Last, physically “SMILE” at everything, people, stars, yourself, environment. Similar to sending positive vibes and receiving them back. Or as they say in church, “open your heart to Jesus and he will give you the power!” Read the book for a more in-depth explanation. Mantak Chia also has a protocol for prostate and penis exercises(kegals, massage, etc) which I highly recommend. I don’t do the 1 hour protocol that he recommends, more like 1 minute a day if even that. Just to keep things flowing and muscles/organs some attention. He has a bunch of videos on youtube showing the endless amount of exercises. Pick a few that you like and do them when you think your privates need some attention, when you get blue balls, privates are hurting, or feel like you’re going to jump off a cliff. Holding it in is not easy, nor do I recommend it. Doing these exercises can feed, nourish, satiate your privates and your heart.

    Concentration/focus practice was vital for me. How can we harness the power of our minds, if it’s a wild monkey, jumping to this thought and that thought, constantly losing focus after 1 second? If you’re trying to send positive vibes, but your brain keeps jumping to different thoughts, “Houston we may have a problem.” My favorite concentration exercise is to put full attention into your air intake, in and out of your nostrils. It’s normal to get distracted, but keep on bringing it back to the nostrils. You should notice an immediate change in focus after only doing this for one minute and you’ll get better over time. Maybe the first time you do this, you can only retain focus for 10% of the exercise. Then 20, 30, 40, and so on. No need to be a Buddhist monk, but you need to be able to control your mind so you don’t go bonkers every second like a schizophrenic. In my experience, a minute or two a day calms and controls my mind tremendously.

    Work is essential. Boredom is a killer. I recommend working 5-6 days a week. I noticed that if I have more than one consecutive day off, that’s when the cravings and boredom consumes. If you need help filling off days, get a doordash account and make deliveries or find part time work. Ideally you want to find a part time job with ladies in the picture. I don’t mean work 80-100 hours a week, that could cause burnout. 30-40 hours is enough, as long as it’s spread out through the week. Work becomes the new fun, the new videogame, the new porno, etc.

    Practice JOMO, which is the opposite of FOMO(fear of missing out). JOMO is the JOY of missing out. Buddhist monks believe in hard work and suffering to build character and improve oneself. Similar to “No pain no gain.” But this is taking it a step further, finding pleasure from pain/suffering and seeking it out.

    LOCK up all the PORN, including youtube, videogames, etc. This one is crucial for me! It’s been scientifically proven that willpower is a limited resource, so it’s not a good idea to put a pile of crack infront of crack addict OR mountain of junk food infront of a fat kid OR millions of hot porn videos(internet/harddrive) in front of a dude.. You get picture. When I really lock these things up(impossible to access), my mind is at ease, my mood amazing, I’m happy, because I don’t have the weight on my shoulders anymore or the crack in my face tempting me, draining my energy and willpower. I have bundles of energy and look for productive things to do, because all the unproductive stuff is locked away! Exercise and work become fun!

    I put all my vices in a suitcase and put a time padlock on it(can be purchased from amazon for cheap). Depending on how long the timer goes, you may need to buy two locks and stack them. Ex. the cheap one’s I have only go for 99 hours, so when the lock is about 48 hrs in, I’ll lock it with another lock for 99 hours.

    BLOCK all non-essential apps, keep maps, phone calls, texting, SIRI/Google Assistant. Block everything else. I use the blocking apps “Focusme” on my PC and “AppBlock” on my phone. These blocking apps take a while to get a hang of and fine tune. I recommend starting with a one day block, so you can play with the settings. If you start with 21 days of blocking before you dialed it in, you may have blocked an essential app that you need or not have blocked enough(porn search terms, etc.).

    Set a 21 day goal, not too long, not too short. Long enough to move the needle and start breaking habits. Short enough, that it’s doable. Give yourself the option to continue on or not. If you like the benefits then continue. It’s not going to kill you to give up porn for 21 days, who knows, you may benefit or even like it. 21 days supposedly is the scientific number that change starts to occur.

    Turn your house into a GYM. Working out is a great way to transmute some of that sexual energy. Making muscles and money will get you more attention with the ladies as a bonus. I know working out can be a chore; luckily there are apps out there, like Cadoo, which turns working out into a videogame.

    NUTRITION is VITAL! If I’m eating junk food, I will not feel like working out or doing anything productive, life just isn’t good. I try to push my meals as far as I can/fasting without going insane. I try to eat vegetables, high quality protein, snack on fruits, organic low fat yogurt, I try to eat my meals with high quality omega 3 pills. Occasionally, I will throw in some organ meats(liver and heart). If I’m craving something junky, I try to find better alternatives. If I want ice cream, an apple hits the spot. If I want something crispy and salty, I go for salted nuts. I’ll also throw in some better for you frozen foods into the air fryer, like the “bare breast nuggets.” Nutrition is something lots of people seem to overlook(myself included), but think about it. Try to grow a plant in desert sand without water, then try to grow it with nutritious soil and adequate water. Processed food dehydrates the body, leeches nutrients from the body, and then the body has to work extra hard to get rid of the garbage you put into it.

    Limit time on The forum is white(color of sperm), and has fap in it, is full of people with exploding and unfulfilled sexual energy. These are massive triggers and temptations nutted on your face when you are scrolling this forum, similar to edging. Don’t spend too much time here. Get some inspiration and hope from the success stories and that should be it. Don’t worry about accountability partners, like I said earlier it just makes you want it even more because of the stakes and risk. I told my friends about my 21 day goal free from porn, youtube, games, etc, but I did not put anything on the line. I just told them I was doing it and my reasons.

    Your purpose in life should be to get a girl and bust as many nuts inside her you can. If you have a loving wife or gf, then save your nuts for her. A friend told me he stopped watching porn and masturbating when he realized his wife was not as visually stimulating anymore when he compared her to the unreal porn women. That’s when he decided to quit porn. Now, he’s 9 years porn free and has 5 kids.. Choose your own path. 5 kids, 0 kids, monogamy, polygamy, whatever, the world is yours! Most likely it will be better without porn.

    I have thoughts of going back into the safe arms of porn. This way I’m not bothering or annoying nobody. I don’t have to put myself out there, spend money on dates and going out. I don’t have to feel like a dirty creep, preying on women. I won’t get my heart broken and ego hurt. I won’t get humiliated when girls reject me, laughed at or judged by spectators. It’s a safe and guaranteed life of mediocrity, pretending that my computer screen is a real woman. Honestly, I think it’s a good deal. Not even kidding. But, I’ve had my fill of pretend and want to try something new. I realize that as long as I don’t commit a serious crime (I jaywalk all the time), I will always be a part of my pack or tribe, which is my country and being a human. The world is a lot bigger than we make It out to be in our heads(“”OMG, my reputation Is ruined, she probably thinks I’m a creep, my life is over!!!!!””)

    But, trying to make ourselves invisible in this vast and enchanting world doesn’t seem right either.. Shouldn’t we be experiencing as much of it while we can?

    I choose to continue on this exciting and scary journey of life without porn.