Getting bored with porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tggibby, May 4, 2014.

  1. tggibby

    tggibby New Fapstronaut

    I've gotten so bored with porn that it would take awhile to get hard and seeing girls in public I wouldn't think are pretty and that's why I've joined to get over my addiction and have better luck with girls. Also lately before I joined I would sometimes watch gay porn to fap to but when I orgasm I would not ever date a guy does this make me gay?
  2. Sufficient Grace

    Sufficient Grace Fapstronaut

    Short answer - it doesn't make you gay. Just curious.
  3. Z_Ford

    Z_Ford Fapstronaut

    IF you are sexually attracted to a man you are gay, if you are not sexually attracted you are not, but you might be "confused."
  4. youcef

    youcef Fapstronaut

    no it doesn't make you gay you're geetin bored with porn coz u wanna go to the next level always searchin 4 new things to satisfy ur addiction the same thing happened to me
  5. JJnofap

    JJnofap Fapstronaut

    You're not gay, confused, or curious. This happens to many porn addicts that constantly need more and more weird shit to get them off. Check out they talk about it there, many guys have experienced this.

    If you really want to cut this out and start having healthier reactions to real girls you're definitely in the right place to start and get through it.
  6. No one else can tell you are homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. At some point it will become apparent to you and at this stage you may be more confused than serious. Don't get to hung up on pigeon holing. It is more important to be clear about why you want to stop masturbating and using porn. Your sexual orientation will take care of itself in its own time.
  7. WillC575

    WillC575 Fapstronaut

    Don't get hung up on labels. I've been down the same road, not so much with Gay porn but with Bi-Porn that warped my mind into seeing guys in the context that they were doin stuff with both another guy and a girl. I begin to think that was ok.

    I'm not being homophobic it's just not who I am.

    The porn had to be more and more exciting, shocking maybe taboo I dunno. I'm also a sex addict and I'm ashamed to admit that I have hooked up with guys. Mostly guys that wanted to be women and you often can't tell the difference & when your in that deep you just don't care, a mouth is a mouth.

    I have no doubt porn led me there. Porn warped my mind into doing things for the excitement. Sexual attraction had nothing to do with it. Let me say that again, Sexual Attraction had NOTHING to do with it. I am disgusted that at 1 point I was so addicted I was watching straight porn while using another guys mouth to get off. I was that twisted, no I'm still that twisted because I know I could relapse.

    This isn't easy for me to write & I'm deeply ashamed but I can tell you from personal, experience what PMO can do to your mind. How thoughts that are not in your nature will occur then they become actions, then they become habits.

    Decide what you are or don't. But at least know how you got to that decision if you do.

    Stay strong.