Giving this a nofap thing a try for the first time .

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Melody, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Melody

    Melody Fapstronaut

    Hi my name is Melody ,
    I'm a female that has porn addiction, I started watching porn at 19 years old .
    I wanted stop watching porn when I realized ,I have been becoming more addicted to the point where i was watching it while people were in the room . I'm currently 26 years old .
    Porn as caused me trouble with my sexuality I ended up getting OCD , and it also affected my life where I would stay up till 5am sometimes 6am watching porno after porno . I would be tired at my job and sleep on the commute to work and from work because I was so tired . I also can't get sexual pleasure anymore and I can't just masturbate on my own fantasies anymore , I need porn to get excited and even after the porn I still can't masturbate sometimes . I have ended up hurting myself a few times while fapping . This has also prevented me from forming a love life, with other women I realized so heavily on porn because it's hard to meet other women to date so I watched lesbian porn and thought the girls in the porno were my girlfriends after while that porn didn't do it so much for me anymore and I moved on to gay and transsexual porn . I've also gotten into kinks i never liked before there not extreme but I noticed when I was not watching porn I would not be into them anymore and when I started watching again I would be into them again .
    Also since I started relapsing on porn I noticed my self esteem has gotten lower than it was before .
    It's ruining my life and also my dating life . Now that I'm on porn sometimes I feel asexual .
  2. Sand island

    Sand island Fapstronaut

    Hey melody, just read your story and lots of things I can certainly relate to. Just joined myself and posted, my own sad story. I gotta say I feel better for taking this first step and hopefully you do too. I've gone five days myself which is a record for me and feel great about it. Hope you hang in there and good luck to you!