Have beaten an addiction to Reddit... time to GET THIS DONE!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by GTD, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. GTD

    GTD Fapstronaut


    22 year old fapper here. I've been trying NoFap on-and-off at the reddit for the last 1.5 years... unsuccessfully. Part of the problem was that as a serial procrastinator, I found it hard to use reddit constructively. I also fell into the trap of trying to stop fapping without fixing a lot of the problems in my life!

    I've recently gone 30 days without using reddit, and I've been getting the rest of my life back on track too: I procrastinate less, I've taken up yoga and I'm generally less chronically stressed.

    My masturbation habit really pisses me off. I have a lovely girlfriend, and I know from experience that I enjoy time with her so much more when I haven't been fapping. I hate what fapping does to my brain and I think now is the time to try and kick the habit once and for all.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I think you'll find a lot of help and wisdom here.