Hello everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by RebornS, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. RebornS

    RebornS Fapstronaut

    Hi. I just joined a couple days ago. I've been using porn and masturbation in unison for years now, and its been having big negative effects on my sleep, mental state, and emotions. I want to quit it, or if possible stop using it so much to fulfill myself. It's been my only outlet since childhood since the environment I grew up in was very negative and traumatizing. I am gay and have struggled for a long time to accept myself, but these last few years I think I've been overcoming that hurdle, but now last problem that remains is yoke to porn and masturbating to it for my "fix". I hope being here will help me change that and bring even more improvements to my life.