Hello guys, im new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Prisma96, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Prisma96

    Prisma96 Fapstronaut

    I will tell my story about the PMO and then the reason why I decided "no more".

    It all started when I was around 9 or 10 years old (now 22).
    I discovered that with my body I could generate some kind of pleasure when I repeatedly touched my intimate parts with something (pillows), basically my body was very little developed at that time, not even ejaculated.

    While the time passed the thing every time was going to more and more, from just masturbate, to masturbate with thoughts, then masturbation with images, then masturbation with videos that my friends passed me by Bluetooth, after the videos I knew them so much that they no longer generated me nothing.

    Until everything got worse when my father hired the internet at home, they were not repetitive and boring images, it was new content all the time, my problem went from being semi-occasional to being something of every day.

    The first few years of Internet pornography were magical, everything produced me great amounts of pleasure. Everything was good or just I thought it was good, I was not able to identify the adverse problems that this activity caused me.

    I had a childhood and part of my adolescence with lack of energy, lack of motivation and lack of libido, without knowing that these sensations were not normal.

    My consumption of pornography was getting more intense, more raw. Never past barriers that people have gone through. But I admit that I've been on websites that are not very comfortable.

    And tried a thousand things to know what was stopping me, which was what made me not be able to transgress. Until I found this community and found what is possibly the cause of many of my impediments.

    Almost 30 days ago I'm trying to perform the challenge, The first attempt was 8 days, the second was 10, and I'm on my third attempt that I go on day 10, it's the first time I feel depressed and lack motivation but I still have a pretty high libido, I do not know if I'm going into a flatline or not, but I feel pretty bad.
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  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. Don't give up, my friend. It's important that you get up every time you fall. When you get back up, you give yourself an opportunity to make progress. You may fall 100 times, but you will get back up and gain ground. Be convinced of it in your mind.
  3. Hello and welcome!

    Well it sounds like your doing pretty good already. It’s a slow process, so never give up no matter how many times you fall. The flatline can be pretty brutal. Every flatline is different though. I wish you nothing but the best! :)