Hello it is Tosspot here. Newbie completed 30 days

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by tosspot, May 3, 2015.

  1. tosspot

    tosspot New Fapstronaut

    Firstly thanks for having this site. It is much appreciated and when I read the stories I think you people are legends. I am in my early 50s and discovered the "joys" of thrashing myself at around 12 years old. It started with magazines and then videos and now with high speed internet i had really met my match. When I first started looking at porn it was quite soft and now I am checking out bukkakes and transwomen. I have just completed 30 days of NoFap. I did not join this site before as I did not believe I would do it. I have not pulled my pudding in 30 days. I have looked at minimal porn, in fact in the last week it has been about 10 minutes. I did not realize before what impact this hobby of mine was having on my mind and body. I have had problems completing and starting the task with women before and never attributed it to this. ED i guess you call it. I have had to use Kamagra to get me going and have had fun with that but my aim is not specifically a time-frame, but to be able to have sex with a woman without any chemical aid. I will just keep going. I am not in hard mode as I had sex with a couple of women within the 30 days. I had a strange experience with the first. She gave me a headjob which was surprising as she is quite shy. As good as it was I could not get wood. It was strange because I was actually aroused. The second I had some Kamagra and it was okay. I think I learned I was not really ready which was also fine. Some crazy things have happened in this 30 days. I chatted up one Asian lady in an office that I had not met. She told me what street she lived in but I did not get the number. But I did approach her. 3 days ago I walked up to a stunner at the local shopping centre and got her mobile number. I texted a couple of times for no response, but I am not deterred as at least I went up to her. The day before (day 27) I was angry and just being a prick. I should not have talked to anyone. I was somewhat despondent. The next day I felt incredible. That was when i chatted to the stunner. Again, I was so turned on. I was horny all day from sunrise until I went to bed. I did not have an erection though. It is a strange feeling but I suspect it is meant to be that way. You will eventually get aroused when you are intimate. I am happy with that. I would say most of the 30 days has been "flatline". I was worried until I read this site. This is the longest I have gone consciously. Before I have gone to Thailand for 21 days, 23 days and 26 days in the last 2 years and never fapped. Hell, what single guy would need to fap over there. Some interesting things have happened in the last 30 days. My eyesight has improved. I am more "there" when I talk to a person. Particularly the women. Except for a couple of shit days I have been quite calm and generally cheerful. I feel somewhat more confident. My exercise is fun. I have somehow put on weight but I am also oil pulling through my teeth (coconut oil) and since starting that 5 weeks ago all food tastes amazing (don't worry I am not here to talk about that kind of pulling in future). I am living with my mother as she is having a few difficulties. I have been much more pleasant to her and it gets better. I am doing online study. There are 15 topics which take 7 weeks each. I will complete my current topic tomorrow. I have done this in 7 days. NOT 7 weeks. My energy feels different. Before I was taking quite a number of vitamins. I hardly feel the need to take any. I told a friend that when I eventually cum I will wear sunglasses like Steve Irwin did when he confronted a spitting cobra - so I don't take my eye out. The longest I have gone before (but not consciously) was about 7 months and that was 30 years ago. I remember having women coming on to me then but it was a one year vegan stage and I was pretty much a pussy. I am curious to see what happens this time. I think the main gain is just to feel nicer about things. That is a win in itself.
  2. Hey,

    It's a bit belated.

    But welcome to NoFap. There are some great resources at:

    - L