Hello People

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by OnTheRocks, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. OnTheRocks

    OnTheRocks Fapstronaut

    So, I'm OnTheRocks. The name's a bit ironic since I couldn't order a single 'on the rocks' drink, but I'm pretty sure I have some issues. Quite a few, in fact. Long story short I went through a long period of self-analysis, and realised that if I wanted to deal with things that I myself saw was a problem, I'd need to stop delaying.

    I've been going for four days now, since the 19th, and it's been difficult. Really difficult. I only found this forum recently, and decided to make an account because I almost relapsed, and to be honest, feel a little ashamed that I barely lasted half a week.

    I'm not going to give up here though. Does anyone have recommended activities when urges hit badly? Just hobbies- running or reading or whatever. Thanks!
    jeffnofapp likes this.
  2. jeffnofapp

    jeffnofapp Fapstronaut


    First off, nothing to be ashamed of! This is NOT an easy addiction to rid. It's awesome that you started and awesome that you are working on it.

    The most important activity is to just NOT do it. Every day that you get, is going to make it easier over time.

    It's important to have a network of people to connect with, commiserate with, etc.

    Isolation leads to bad habit.

    Keep up the good work!
  3. JohnICT

    JohnICT Fapstronaut
