Hello There

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by jimya, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. jimya

    jimya New Fapstronaut

    Hello Everyone. I have been a member for sometime now but just now have decided to be more serious. 2016 is my year and I want to reclaim my lost life due to PMO.

    A few details about myself:

    I'm married but no kids. I have had a bad PMO addiction since age 12. It escalated to me stepping outside my marriage and being unfaithful to my wife on several occassions. All this has ruined my marriage, with my wife filing for divorce earlier in the year and then dropping it a week before court date. However she has not indicated that she wants to get back with me so am limbo in the relationship. I really want to kick this addiction so if my wife comes back to me I can get another lease on life and maybe even have kids. That's a big motivating factor for me. I have been in a very down and out point in my life. My wife has gone back to stay with her parents for three months and I am all alone by myself. I cannot trust myself for this time so I need a strong support group to help me stay strong. I know that if I can manage to stay PMO free for these three months it is going to change my life and if I change mine I can help change someone out there as well. I am in this for the long haul.
  2. KingGray

    KingGray Fapstronaut

    Welcome @jimya . It will change your life. My longest streak was 67 days, and life was so much better.
  3. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    I think it's really cool that you're being proactive about this. Keep that motivation, man. You can do it!