Help please

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by forgivenredeemed, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. forgivenredeemed

    forgivenredeemed Fapstronaut

    Hello guys I am new to this community. I wasn’t sure where to put my first post so I accidentally put it in the semen retention forum. Anyhow I think this is the correct forum. I’m kind of freaking out a little bit right now so I just need some advice/help. I’ve heard about Nofap for a bit but have not entered the community until today.

    Here is a bit of context before I explain the issue:
    I first experienced pornography at 13 and since then (I’m 18 now) I have used it off and on for 5 years now. It was not frequent use at the start, but it quickly has gotten worse over the years. I only would see temptations on instagram and that would be the trigger, but now these days it is like I must find pornography to get that dopamine rush. I’ve been half trying to quit for like 2 years now and I started really tracking my relapses since 2022, which my record is only 10 ten days without in the 400 some days I have been tracking. It’s pretty pathetic. I know most guys fap but I don’t know anyone near to me that has developed a pattern of this severity.

    The issue:
    So, the past few days I have noticed I don’t really get hard like I used to. Even like when I PMO (I think that’s the term for using porn?) I have trouble now getting hard. I feel the stimulation, but my John doesn’t even extend the length it used to. It was like 6 inches if you measure from the shaft to the top, and now it hits 5 even when I get it like semi hard. It doesn’t even get fully hard. I think this is certainly ED. I am freaking out right now and I don’t know if this is permanent or where mylength went. I am so naive because Ithought ED was like for older people, but I have been humbled extremely. Reading some things online it seems this is temporary? If I complete a reboot it will slowly heal back to normal??? Like I think it’s like a blood flow thing but I’m not sure. Please if anyone knows something about this please help me out! Thank you!
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Stop watching porn and stop wonka your Willy. Reboot. You should get it back.
  3. Xue Hua Piao

    Xue Hua Piao Fapstronaut

    Yeah a lot of people quit because of ED. To be honest from how it sounds, you seem to be addicted plus I don’t know how much you’ve escalated so you would probably need a while to get it back. Have patience. It takes as long as it takes but I can say fairly certain that in time in will come back. I can’t recommend a specific time to abstain for because it’s different for everyone. If I were you I’d stay off porn completely and learn to get off just by masturbation sensation alone which is less addictive, quicker (because it makes edging far less likely), and does fry your brain in the same way porn does. It’s just a hell of a lot cleaner. It’s better to learn to use that after you recover than go straight back to internet porn with all its shit consequences and end up in the same place again.
    As for the actual process of quiting, dm me if you have any questions. It probably wasn’t working for you because you were whiteknuckling. It’s necessary to go into it with a plans, thought processes to use, new things to occupy your time. I only know this from failing so many times that I’ve honed my technique lol
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    How does Masturbation to sensation only hurt your brain like Porn?
  5. Hello, welcome to the forum :emoji_wave::emoji_slight_smile:
    My situation was almost exactly the same as yours; I got addicted at 12, started recovery at 16, and around 18 after failing multiple time to reboot I've started to experience the first signs of erectile dysfunction. At the age of 19 however I was able to go 5 months (150 days) without masturbating (M), orgasming (O; except for a few wet dreams) and watching porn (P). My erection was back to normal on around 100 days in. Now note that this was already after 7 years of being addicted. So no, luckily, porn inducted erectile dysfunction (PIED) is not permanent if you can stop watching porn. Stopping masturbating at least for a while at the same time will certainly speed up the recovery process. The recovery time varies from person to person, this was just my own experience, but you can certainly fix yourself :emoji_relieved::emoji_thumbsup:
  6. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Works for some guys, not for others. Didn't work for me. Could be caused by several things such as diabetes, low T, anxiety, etc. Only way to know for sure there's no physical cause is to see a doctor. Being a man myself, I know I'm wasting my breath because men don't go to doctors. But that's my 2 cents.

    PS: You could also just be tired of porn.
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