1. Help i dont know if i post right on this theard, but i have ocd issues, mainly pocd, you see sometime i repeat everytime like wash of my hand to clean right, or turn off my monitor of my pc after installed of my games. If i dont repeat thing i feel bad. What do i do?
  2. Go to a professional therapist
  3. Strongly recommend a professional therapist. OCD and POCD treated with psychotherapy and medicine. Depends on the level. Have you been on therapy already? I assume that is why you know you have this condition. Sooner is the better!
    Good luck and don’t panic, OCD and POCD can be cured or very good handled.
  4. Thanks guy, Also sometime i ignore ocd because i tired to do that and also because laziness too, but i still feel bad because due pocd thinks im monster.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
  5. You are not a monster. Struggling with stuff but not a monster!!!
    SuperBaowi likes this.
  6. mjs0344

    mjs0344 Fapstronaut

    So you turn off your monitor multiple times? Curious what compels you to do this? Why do you feel bad if you only turn it off once?
  7. Real Life Survivor

    Real Life Survivor Fapstronaut

    There are some good audio books on ocds on audible.
  8. Its my ocd, Ikr its weird but that ocd seriously killing me.
    Onan the Barbarian likes this.
  9. I think im better ignore those ocd because not only its annoying to repeat anytime but also i noticed my brain feel weird. But my issues its brainfog, these brainfog sometime forget my memory and kinda annoying barerly remember to ignore ocd. I hope those ocd reduced in the future.