Here because I need support

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by The Amalgamation, Mar 13, 2021.

  1. The Amalgamation

    The Amalgamation Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. I’m tired to making the same mistakes over and over, so I made this account to change my behavior and prove to myself that I’m serious about changing my bad habits.

    I’m 28 years old, and I’ve been using porn for nearly half my entire life. I’ve discovered channels like Universal Man and *** in the last 2 years, and have tried multiple times to quit PMO. I was never able to go longer than 7 days without relapsing.

    Currently on Day 4 without PMO, and I’m scared. Temptations are strong, and I don’t have full confidence in myself to overcome them.

    Transmuting my urges into physical exercise is helping a lot. I’m an artist who struggles to sit down in the chair and do the work, and I want to use my sexual energy to embrace my artistic crafts. But right now I feel like I’m just trying to hang on with white knuckles.

    Any support and advice would be greatly appreciated
  2. Evilgenius_10

    Evilgenius_10 Fapstronaut

    Gain knowledge.
    That's the key to successful nofap journey.
    Read books like YOUR BRAIN ON PORN and many more similar books.
    Once you have developed a strong mindset than its really easy to move ahead in this journey.
    My condition was similar to yours few days back but currently I'm in day 23 and I'm confident enought that I'll easily complete day 90 challenge.
    Before this I was not even able to do 10 days nofap challenge. So my recommendation to you is gain lot of knowledge about nofap and the journey to get strong mindset.
    Hope this helps.
    Best of luck
  3. Jaquichan2021

    Jaquichan2021 Fapstronaut

    Bienvenido. Aqui la disciplina es fundamental.Te recomendaria planear tu dia la noche anterior o inmeditamente al despertarte. Has ejercicio fuerte para relajarte y liberar hormonas, también busca mantener tu mente ocupada en cualquier actividad como podrían ser los videojuegos online o que se puedan descargar pero que sean competitivos y exijan toda tu concentracion por ejemplo el call of duty, tambien descarga bloqueadores de sitios web e instala el control parental. A mi me a funcionado reconciliarse con mi dios, si cree en uno busque reconciliarse con el como fuerza de apoyo moral. Si no cree en uno, puede seguir filosofías occidentales u orientales como el budismo o el taoísmo (este último por la filosofía que pregona respecto al sexo y la eyaculación me parece el mejor aunque no lo practico). Saludos y aquí estamos para lo que se ofrezca
  4. The Amalgamation

    The Amalgamation Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I’m learning all I can. Watching vids about NoFap is actually a good substitute when I feel like watching porn