Hey guys... (And gals)... Joining you if you don't mind

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by WalgettCz, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. WalgettCz

    WalgettCz Fapstronaut

    Of course i have a problem, yet it's not something to be discussed with your parents... friends... girlfriend ... boyfriend... whatever

    I just need to tell someone, that i want to stop masturbating ... I want to stop watching porn all the time. After reading few articles i just realized it's a real addiction to deal with.

    For those who've been reading to this part : Hear my reasons

    1) It's messing up with my sex life... I believe it's just the reason for my lack of sex drive
    2) Because i know i hurt myself with 1), i always regret every single fap on porn... not because of moral... but because of health.
    3) Because of 2) I am in constant depression
    4) Because of 3) i do shit with my life... i don't move myself anywhere. In my free time, i just watch movies and shit... because i am disgusted... i reject friends invitations ( At this point... i still wondered how are they still friends with me... cause i suck being a friend) I even got fatter when stopped going to the gym... ( I've always been chubby, but last year i managed to get into shape... )
    5) Because it's not even that good as it used to be

    Humble apologies to everyone who considers reading this to be waste of time... Sorry ... i needed to tell someone... and sadly it was You
    For everyone who understands - I needed to tell somebody... Luckilly for me - It was You...


    PM: Sorry for my English... never been to any EN country, not a native speaker.
  2. LuksonFukson

    LuksonFukson New Fapstronaut

  3. ialokinasdf

    ialokinasdf New Fapstronaut

    I understand you dude
  4. WalgettCz

    WalgettCz Fapstronaut

    Shit this is hard...

    I just can't understand how could i be so devoted just 10 hours ago... Now... after 1 sleep... and literally NO TIME - i am just thinking about throwing all of this talking away...

    How can i do this after week, month, if i am thinking of excuses now...
    Is it worth it? Knowing i'll probably disappoint myself ... very soon

    (Writing is kind of helping me in a therapeutical way... )

    Shit this is hard...
  5. seventyniner

    seventyniner Fapstronaut

    Stay strong. Prove to yourself for the first time that you can survive an urge. That you're in control.

    Afterwards, you will feel a hundred times happier than if you let it go now.

    You've let it go a hundred thousand times before. Now try something different. Not today!
  6. painistemporary

    painistemporary Fapstronaut

    Always here to help mate! GO ON! RISE AND GRIND!