Hey guys,happy to find this place

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Anson, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Anson

    Anson New Fapstronaut

    22 yo, discovered how to fap by my own in 5th grade, and been a non-stop fapper since then.

    See, I am 5'11'', muscular, intelligent, had and still have girl friends, and sex life is always active, however I just could never stop fapping, it does not give me severe damage, however, every time after I fapped, all my urge to reach my goals just got thrown away, and the day suddenly will become very fast as I will quickly fall asleep, and that will be how my day spent, in vain!

    And even though I am very able in sex still, but it frustrates her and me that my boner can't stay up the whole time, we have to take 5 mins breaks every 30 minutes to wait for me to get hard again, and that hurts my self-esteem and it hurts hers too(she' think she's not hot enough to get me hard when she totally is!)

    So yea, I really want to give this a try and even a life-time commitment, so nice to meet you guys, wish you good luck and god speed.