Hey there, NoFappers

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Cliffy, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Cliffy

    Cliffy New Fapstronaut

    Well, first of all, i'm still trying to get a hold on the dynamics of the site, but i ddn't wanna leave without writing at least something somewhere. I guess this might just be the place. I'll start a journal, yet another one, after three failed attempts at YBOP. It's a great site, but i dont know, i guess i need to be somewhere new for a while, at least until i get my self esteem back and dare show my face over there again.
    First time here, just saying hello. My story, at least in it's core, is no different than everyone elses. I'm fucked up, and want to de-fuck myself. I guess I'll go into more detail once I start the journal. Thing is, sites like this were my best tool for a while, but now they just feel like the "Im sorry for..." notes drunk people write and then forget as soon as they walk past a bar again. Or maybe it's just that I'm too off myself after a whole night wathcing porn, not sleeping a single minute and being late for work again.
    I hate myself.
    Cheers everyone!
  2. ColeO

    ColeO Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap! We all have that point where we hate ourselves for relapsing, but can you hate porn and masturbation as much as you hate yourself? You should redirect your hate towards that and look to improve yourself as best and you can. Good luck with your goals, and get a tracker for yourself like I have.