hi! 2015 is my year to reboot

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 2015ismyyear, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. 2015ismyyear

    2015ismyyear Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    I've joined this site as one of my new years resolutions was to give up porn. I was doing well until the 26th day. I caved and masturbated after seeing a trigger image on a unrelated website.

    The problem is that once I slip up I tend to spiral downhill as I continued the same mistake the next day. So I've joined this site and going to try again.

    A special measure I'm taking is taking my laptop charger and leaving it at work so I'm not tempted when I'm at home. The big mistake I made was masturbating while giving up porn. I should've given up both.

    Anyway hoping being here with similar people will help me. Porn has such a bad effect on me I just get deeper and deeper into the addictive porn on the internet and it makes me depressed that i lose control.
  2. 2015ismyyear

    2015ismyyear Fapstronaut

    will also try out the counter sig, that looks really motivating.