Hi guys

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by matthew376, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. matthew376

    matthew376 Fapstronaut

    I feel like ive hit rock bottom lately and its due partly to the amount of money pmo is costing me (500 a day for two days this week, thats when you know theres a problem) and the way i believe its affecting my motivation (basically causing me to have none as nothing compares to the dopamine rush) and some of the ways its caused me to behave.

    I dont imagine ill get far but i want to register here so i can see my progress.

    Does anyone have any tips on blockers and filters for porn sites? I know if im determined ill find a way but i want to make sure it goes through my head that its something i really really dont want to be doing

    I will also not beat myself up about having sexual thoughts but i wont pursue them and i wont indulge them
  2. How does a guy spend $500 on P when you can find pretty much anything free online? I'm sorry you're having to deal with that buddy
  3. matthew376

    matthew376 Fapstronaut

    This goes through my mind all the time. Absolutely logical and my mind knows this. However its the novelty factor of having stuff from a specific regular person who sends you stuff. From what ive read over the last few days this is a normal symptom, needing extra novelty constantly, which costs money.

    It varies, but lately as ive had days off work i have pmo’d on and off all day. Add to that my sleep pattern is now destroyed (have been sleeping at 3 or 4 waking up at 1-2pm 90% of the time since i started college at age 18, am now 25), im out of money but luckily had the self control to not slide too far into debt.

    Tomorrow i start work again, and im going to work until that balance is positive again, which shouldnt take long.

    Most importantly though is that its not about the money for me, its not like i felt any better when i had lots of it. Its about my motivation, mood, energy, productivity and not feeling like im wasting all my time at a young age.

    Its also anout actually feeling relatable with other people and not like an alien and i feel like pmo has contributed significantly to this

    I need concrete ways to stop myself getting on certain websites although i know if i can abstain for long enough facebook pictures will start setting me off so im going to need help with this at some point i imagine.
  4. Hey PM when u think you ard gonna pay someone. I'll set you straight Buddy ;)
  5. matthew376

    matthew376 Fapstronaut

    Ive blocked them and deleted the app i was using, but will remember that!

    I imagine youll be able to persuade me away from it its just if im in a certain mindset i wont even be checking here or messaging anyone on here as i guess my brain just wants that hit

    Honestly considering putting my money in a trust or investment or something to stop this happening in future

    Biggest thing for me though is reading how this affects normal relationships and can remove the ability for genuine intimacy, its just 100% not something i want to be dealing with