Hi I am new

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Under construction, May 31, 2023.

  1. Under construction

    Under construction New Fapstronaut

    Hi, My name is under construction, because I am. I have gone to church the good majority of my life and I know that I should not be dwelling on the thoughts and feelings that I have when it comes to lust and porn and yet I have allowed it to go on for far too long. I am new so any help or suggestions about the site and groups I would welcome.
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  2. Welcome. Be prepared for continual progression through failures. It's the nature of this addiction. Unlike smoking, drinking, or any other external drugs, this one is internal and the ability to tap into it is available at all times. That's the danger of MO and PMO. Take this as inspiration as opposed to discouragement. When I started it seemed utterly impossible. The urges, the occasional relapse, the weird fetishes that were popping up early on, all of the things that people talk about on this site are real. What is also very real are the benefits. You will see the physical changes as well as experience the psychological changes. Depending on how long your MO/PMO addiction has been going it can take some time. Mine ran the span of several decades. I'm a little older so the healing has taken longer; upwards of 5 years truth be told. Just be prepared to dig in and fight not only the physical and psychological battles but, in my opinion, the most most important and pitched battle; the spiritual warfare. You've gone to church and the adversary wants very much for you to stay in this habit as it puts a wedge between you and God. That's my opinion for what it is worth. Put on the armor and prepare to fight this enemy.
    Under construction likes this.
  3. Under construction

    Under construction New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the encouragement. I agree I have been an easy target for the adversary. I intend to stand firm.
    PRESS THE FIGHT likes this.