How can I break this cycle?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ItsJustLark, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. ItsJustLark

    ItsJustLark Fapstronaut

    I recently relapsed on my pornography addiction. The problem is that I don't feel bad about it at all, and for the last two or three days I've been looking at pornography every night. My goal was originally supposed to be moderation, and it is somewhat moderated, but I feel a serious compulsion towards it at certain times of the day. Every morning when I wake up I have this mindset: 'I don't feel like looking at pornography, I think I'm going to give it up.' And I do until night, where I completely throw away that goal and go right back to looking at it, and it has repeated for every day since a few days ago. So is there anything I can do to stop looking at pornography, at least for right now until I feel less compelled to do it? Thanks.
    CarP likes this.
  2. focus on going through just that one day without P, it gets way easier after that
    ItsJustLark likes this.
  3. ItsJustLark

    ItsJustLark Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately I failed today, but I'll try to control myself for the rest of today and the entirety of tomorrow. One day at a time, i guess.
    CarP likes this.
  4. good luck!
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