How do I know I'm in the NoFap normal?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by k.butta000, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. k.butta000

    k.butta000 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I recently relapsed and binged PMO for a week after a streak of 110 days. I started fapping around the age of 14, but seriously started binging and becoming addicted by the age of 20. I am 24 now and have tried to break my porn addiction for the past 2 years.

    My question is: How do I know that I have hit a NoFap "normal"?

    In the days leading up to my relapse, I felt on edge. The feeling can be described as having a lot of energy and heat centered around my groin. No amount of working out or walking outside was helping. I was unable to concentrate on anything and felt like I did not have the motivation to study or do anything other than mindlessly watch videos. Is this the final stage? Should I just learn to live with it? Or was I still in the healing process and getting better? Part of the reason I relapsed was that I felt like this was the final stage. I felt that this was the high energy/being on edge feeling people state, but it felt like energy that was disruptive as I was unable to focus on anything. Frustration with that state was a factor in my relapse too. Is there more to the journey?
  2. imjustadude

    imjustadude Fapstronaut

    That is a great question and I would also like someones perspective on this. I have just started my journey about 1 1/2 months ago and know I will be face with this in the future.
    Kierann likes this.
  3. Kierann

    Kierann Fapstronaut

    I have never reached the stage you are describing, that is if it is the stage. Your question is valid though and I myself am curious about the feedback from the others.
  4. LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself

    LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    It's hard to say. It would be better to stay on the hard mode reboot until this works itself out. If you never had withdrawals on hard mode, then I wonder how strict you were. Some people on here claim vast amounts of hard mode time, yet they don't have hardly a full day. Maybe you were just starting to be more strict on the hard mode, and the withdrawals were starting.

    But no matter what happens, a hard mode reboot is not going to hurt you. It's a period of suffering until your brain and body adjust. You don't need to go to the doctor for it. Just tough it out, be strict on PMO. You'll even out if you give it time.