How do you deal with lust in advertisements? (all lust hits are toxic)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PMO addict, May 17, 2018.

  1. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Try as I may to avoid it, I just get attacked by lust. I see it as such an evil thing. The ad on skype was just so evil and toxic. All lust hits are toxic and I feel very upset when one gets into my eyes. I look away ASAP but still.

    I think it makes me mad because of the distortion. Who paid the woman to pose that way. Etc. Thats one thing.

    Also I feel my PMObriety is threatened.

    So any tips on how to not feel so triggered would be appreciated. Surprisingly I feel triggered into anger. More than to fap. For how that person is being used, and how they're trying to manipulate and use me.

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  2. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    If that helps you to abstain, it's a good thing, right?

    I can only guess that the problem is you judging these situations and/or people who do that. If you'll stop judging, you'll stop feeling anger.
  3. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    Isn't it kind of messed up? Sex is such an important and integral part of our lives, but we live in a culture where we have to pretend it doesn't exist... unless you're using it to sell something.
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  4. Advertisers will align sexual themes to sell their products, period! We don't have to feel threatened by those jerks. We'll never play their victim, right? All it takes is that silent, firm resolve to take command of our lives. When I resolved to myself that relapsing is not an option, then I don't care what they throw at me! Screw those advertisers! I ignore them and go on with my life. [​IMG]
  5. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    Thanks. That might help. I just meditated after reading this. Maybe I add some of the toxicity to it myself. The next time the next one of these comes up, maybe I will see if I can be mindful of that. Thanks :)

    Yeah. That is upsetting. Well, maybe try to teach them not to look. Teach them to "bounce their eyes off". And that lust isn't what they really need. I wonder if you can instill this in them in a young age, if they will be able to not fall into the same lust trap.

    Haha yep. Thanks :) It gets more clear the longer I stay clean.

    Thanks! It said the image you entered is invalid or expired. But thanks for your post! Yeah, I won't relapse over it, I know. I am going to try to use a mix of everyone's suggestions.
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