How do you deal with thoughts that come about without porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by fapstradamus, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. fapstradamus

    fapstradamus Fapstronaut

    For example, I went and saw the Hunger Games. I began having thoughts about the whole photo scandal and how hot she is. It's like a tiny snowball or seed and from that grows this elaborate whack off snowball or tree where I want to fap next time I am back at my place. How do I conquer stuff like that? It's easy to avoid porn, but mainstream stuff can cause these urges. I know willpower is the simple answer, but will these thoughts go away or will I always struggle with them?
  2. cleanmindhappymind

    cleanmindhappymind Fapstronaut

    I think we'll always struggle with them, but you can train yourself to push them out of your mind faster. It's possible to look at someone without objectifying them, but when pornographic ideas or images are put in front of us by media, we can only deflect them ASAP.