How to make sure you keep taking this seriously?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Apr 11, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    What I have noticed is the most time I take this seriously is after a relapse, but particularly after a binge. The worse the binge when I do manage to stop, the more serious I seem to be about quitting porn and artificial sexual stimulation.

    So what happens after a relapse or binge is I go in to this depressed strict mindset where I think no way I can let that happen again. I think to my self I am going to make sure I get a long streak.

    But what I have noticed happens is literally after a streak of only a few weeks I begin to feel more relaxed, less worried. I actually begin to stop worrying about my addiction to porn and artifical sexual stimulation. I even get to the point I am hardly giving it a thought. Where as usually I am obsessed about it.

    Then another thing I have noticed is particuarly around the 2 week mark this is when urges start to get worse. I begin to think man how good would it be to get on some porn and artifical sexual stimulation the now.

    So I feel like the combo of these 2 things, 1 being less worried about my porn addiction and less worried about relapsing, and 2 the fact that the thought of getting on porn begins to seem more appealing than ever. I feel like the combo of these 2 things actually causes me to relapse.

    I am just wondering how you stay in that strict mindset permanently?

    An issue I seem to have is I feel like I somewhat need to be obsessed about something to do well with it, and what causes me to be obsessed about most things is when I am really worried about something. This causes me to hyperfocus on it, and then this causes me to do well at what ever I am hyper focused on.

    So when I am so worried about my porn addiction and PIED, this makes me really worry, which causes me to hyperfocus on it, which then makes me do well at staying away from it.

    But like I said I honestly begin to feel much less worried after only a few weeks at being completely off it. I begin to stop obsessing about it, and then as a result I actually believe this causes me to realpse, which usually results in a binge, which causes me to worry again, which causes me to obsess again, which causes me to do well at staying away from porn again.

    I am just wondering how I can keep a strict mindset at staying away from porn and artifical sexual stimulation no matter what?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  2. Charfonglee

    Charfonglee Fapstronaut


    A very similar thing happened to me after a month. Urges started getting really bad, and I still struggling on and off with those urges. I think one of the biggest things that helped me was knowing I was fighting for myself and for others, like the well being of my girlfriend.

    also, I received some harsh criticism about my addiction. Which was sort of a wake up call, that helped me get back into that serious mindset without having relapsed.

    Even if you feel like every essence of your being wants to go back to porn, you just can’t let yourself. As time goes on urges get better, they lessen in frequency and in ease in fighting them off.

    use this forum and other community resources to your advantage, getting involved helps.
    vanilla gorilla52 likes this.
  3. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    To get ourselves in the mindset of taking all of this seriously isn't that hard, as you pointed out. The problem is obviously staying in that mindset, and the way I do that is to maintain accountability. Actually, I have several things I do, but I believe that the best tool for addicts will always be accountability. To have people checking in on me and expecting me to make calls every single day to report about how my day went helps me keep that mindset. If that wasn't enough, I would then get accountability software like Covenant Eyes or something similar, that reports all my online activity to a trusted friend and accountability partner I choose.
    vanilla gorilla52 likes this.
  4. I actually believe accountability is one of the best ways of staying away from porn and wholeheartedly recommend the post above.

    The last time I watched porn was the 1st January this year. I decided that i would become a more honest person and if there was something I searched for on the internet or watched that I wouldn't want other people to find out about, then I wouldn't do it. That included porn, social media etc

    I cleared my internet history and my girlfriend found out. I admitted to my girlfriend at that time that I had used porn and searched for other women online and she took it pretty well at the time but it keeps coming back into her mind and upsetting her - that I had sought out other women and she felt like she wasn't enough. In fact, it's probably close to ending our relationship because she thinks I still do it and feels I eroded trust by hiding it in the first place (I explained no man would want to admit such a thing to a partner) but to her it felt like I had been unfaithful and played on her self esteem issues. But what has given me this streak is the fact that I decided I would be more honest as a person and would no longer have anything to hide.

    I've done over 100 days now and it's still not easy. The urges still come but I maintain that I feel better now I have nothing to hide. I feel like I am a more honest person and in doing so, feel better about myself. I feel like I am not hiding anymore. I am not lying anymore. I feel stronger.

    I know it's terrifying to be honest by admitting to someone that you have used porn but you have nothing to lose. You can just put it out there and draw a line under it.

    I've just been thinking - even if your partner already knows and is fine with you having watched porn (I'm guessing some people just aren't bothered by it) you can still use an accountability partner but for this to work you need to feel like going back on a promise is a big thing to you. The worst thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2020
    Joe1023 likes this.