how will NOFAP help me get a gf

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by finalchange, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. finalchange

    finalchange New Fapstronaut

    do women feel more attracted to men on nofap because I heard it makes you manlier and draws them to you since they want to suck your cum filled dick
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  2. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    Nofap does increase ur attractiveness or at the very least ur ability to follow through on possible mates. Women definitely flirt with me more on nofap. On the street its not that noticeable. But if I go in a room like a bar, a lecture, even a restaurant, it can get crazy. Actually even at the mall sometimes women eye fck the heck outa me. Its weird too I am short, overweight and i dont dress very well. But i did get my gf during nofap and I won't flirt with strangers. Female friends flirt with me more now and I flirt back but its more like friendly flirty thrash talk rather than hey I am gonna cheat on my gf talk.

    But if ur doing it specifically to get women then its the wrong goal. Its like going to the gym to get a gf. I mean thats fine as a benefit but not a goal. Like u should take care of ur body and ur mind for ur own sake not because u wanna stick ur D places. I mean its fine if as a result u do that but if u focus on that then ur setbacks will make u quit and u wont take it serious.

    Anyway if u do it for shallow reasons, expect shallow results. I am only saying it because it takes some nofappers months to learn that. Like doing anything worth while u have a bunch of things to gain on the way rather than just whats at the end. Actually brb new sig xD

    In regards to the benefits, do the days and observe for urself. gl
  3. EricKungFooled

    EricKungFooled Fapstronaut

    Though I'm staying away from bars and clubs until my reboot, I've noticed some flirting on the streets as well. I'm average height (5 8 slightly overweight and mid 30s

    Either nofap makes you slightly more attractive or when your out of the PMO loop and your self-esteem is rising, you notice women and they notice you. I have gotten a few comments from female friends and family members that there is something different about me.
  4. lovelyDay

    lovelyDay Fapstronaut

    I would say so...

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

    Go 90 days hard mode and you will see