I’ve decided to relapse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Moktok, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Moktok

    Moktok Fapstronaut

    I’ve decided to relapse tomorrow. My testweek is coming up and I won’t let brainfog f*ck it up. I feel sad but I got my 7-day streak at least. I’ll start again on the 24th of june. STAY STRONG!
  2. Toucan99

    Toucan99 Fapstronaut

    You are only delaying what needs to be fixed. Persevere through brain-fog, but do not let a part of the process (being the brain fog) pull you back into the addiction. It sounds like an excuse.
  3. That's very interesting... I get brainfog from MO, not from abstaining. Abstaining actually energizes me to want to put in effort into study, exercise, and work. I didn't even know about NF when I was in graduate school, but I had to give up PMO habits in order to want to graduate and get a solid career because otherwise I couldn't focus and just wanted to sleep. So my body agrees with the boxers, athletes, and Olympians when they abstain from O several days before the big event...
    WindWolf and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Ah, you must be one of those "post-nut clarity" guys. I'm sorry to hear that.
    glxryboy and fishfoody like this.
  5. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It sounds more like some sort of withdrawal, and you know if you use again this will ease the withdrawal enough so you can do better in your test week.

    It's like if an alcoholic or drug addict had something important to do and were going through withdrawal, they might realize if they use again then this will actually ease the withdrawal enough so they can actually do the important thing they need to do.

    It's not ideal because your not wanting to relapse. But if it is a scenario where you can't do something as good, or not do something at all because the withdrawal you're experiencing is so bad, then it is tricky what you're actually supposed to do in a situation like that, as using again might actually enable you to do the important thing you need to do, and even do well in the important thing you need to do. Where as if you're experiencing withdrawal you might not do well at the important thing you need to do, or you might not even be able to do it at all.

    Also btw I have had very severe PMO withdrawals before, and if I had to sit an exam or test or something like when I felt like that I know I would likely not do as well as what I would if I wasn't going through that withdrawal. Just in case anyone thinks you can't get that bad a withdrawal from stopping PMO.
  6. This only makes your situation worse.If you break your streak, your brainfog will not go away, the brainfog will only get worse.Maybe you can't work efficiently because of withdrawal syndromes, but fighting is a much better option.
    fishfoody, DyingStar and FX-05 like this.
  7. College is rough. I only finished because I thought I had to, not because I wanted to. I basically just got good at putting up with BS. Wrote plenty of worthless papers. Had lots of mental health problems going in. Always felt like I had problems that college wasn't solving, but the whole world kept telling me I had to finish. Didn't really know how to relate to my peers either. So yeah, I beat off quite a lot. Never really changed, just became a form of self regulation. You're ready when you're ready I guess, I least you realize you are choosing. Just one question if I may: How will looking at porn help you prepare for your exams?

    *Edit* Don't let my PMO tracker deceive you. I'm on day 0. I just don't know how to change it.
    fishfoody likes this.
  8. fishfoody

    fishfoody Fapstronaut

    I knew the feelings of post nut clarity. It makes me feel good and focused after relapse but it didn't last long. After 2 days you will be lazy and groggy again just like post relapse shit feeling we all know.

    Don't relapse and don't fabtasize
  9. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    You'll feel like shit the next morning after the relapse. Just like after doing a workout. During the same day, you won't feel anything but the next morning you'll feel wrecked.
    Same here, while you're sleeping your prefrontal cortex neurons will DIE. If you have no idea about what I'm talking about then check yourbrainonporn.com. Prefrontal cortex neural death = less grey matter = brain fog.
    fishfoody likes this.