I Believe I have severe PIED. Feeling desperate.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MOTM1989, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! 21 days is quite the achievement. Keep up the good work.

    The Flatline hits everyone different. It's characterized by a decrease in libido, erection frequency/strength, moodiness, and other factors.

    If you're getting spontaneous erections that's fine. I tended to not get them during my first reboot, even when with my girlfriend in a sensual setting. As long as you've gone from a very excited and anxious state to a drop in libido/arousal, you're in the right place. Just keep chugging along until you get to 90 days.

    It is IMPERATIVE that you don't try to get an erection or get aroused. This is going to slow down your healing. Your mind needs a break right now, so just let it rest. Don't touch your dick, don't look at any sexy pics, and don't fantasize. Accidental encounters with these are totally fine as long as you remover the stimulation or yourself from the environment, and having sexy thoughts every once in a while is ok as long as you aren't encouraging or seeking them. Trying to get erections in any way, especially with porn, is gonna hurt your recovery.

    Don't worry about your erections during the reboot, or at all. After the reboot, you won't need to "try" to get an erection, they just kinda happen when you need to. It's great haha
    BeezMeUp and MOTM1989 like this.
  2. MOTM1989

    MOTM1989 Fapstronaut

    Thanks again. As far as libido, it’s tough for me to say since I’m relatively inexperienced, but texting my ex sort of got me going a little, so something is still there. You mentioned erection strength and frequency, but that always been pretty bad as well so my baseline for what I consider normal still feels pretty pathetic. I began noticing weaker erections as early as high school. I guess that’s part of what makes me skeptical about my problem being PIED vs something else.

    As far as anxiety, I can’t say I’ve noticed a decline because I’ve always been a pretty anxious person and only recently began to notice how bad it is. I would say I’ve seen an increase in moodiness. I’ll go from feeling optimistic about this being the answer, to skeptical, to almost depressed. And bounce between those. It’s much easier to not look at porn at this point. Any urges are easier to brush off and I don’t get the same “rush” when I think about it. Like you said before my recovery could take much longer than 90 days given how long I’ve been at this, but just seeing improvements by that point would mean the world to me since it would sort of confirm that PIED is my issue. Just going to try and stay positive and stick to the plan I guess. Sorry for the rambling and I appreciate your response man.
  3. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    You should not be sexting your girlfriend during your reboot. Anything arousing that isn't your girlfriend in front of you should be avoided.

    The changes in mood you have experienced lately align pretty well with the Flatline, which means you're on the right track. In this stage, the main cause of porn use and potential relapses isn't high stress or constant arousal, but more feelings like "I'm not getting aroused and need to PMO to make sure I still can" or "I don't care about this anymore so I'm just gonna PMO".

    You're gonna feel like shit in a lot of ways during this time. Just don't PMO in any way until you get to 90 days. Don't worry about your erections or libido, just don't PMO. When the 90 days are done, just get naked with your girlfriend, and like magic you're just gonna have this great boner and some very nice sex. Until then, don't worry about it.

    If you have more questions I suggest browsing these Porn FAQs from YBOP. Very helpful, especially with more uplifting and specific testimonials
    MOTM1989 likes this.
  4. MOTM1989

    MOTM1989 Fapstronaut

    I was thinking I probably shouldn’t ever PMO ever again based on how long I’ve had these issues and all. I didn’t plan on doing it at 90 days, especially since I’m not sure I’ll be recovered by then. Did you experience insomnia as well? I’ve always had pretty bad sleep problems but it seems to be much worse recently. I’ve seen people suggest everything from supplements to cold showers and exercise to speed up recovery. Did you do any of that? I’ve always been pretty good at exercising but it’s slowing down quite a bit as we seem to be entering another covid lockdown. Again I have no issues fighting any urges at this point, I just don’t want to do everything I can to help/speed up the process. Thanks!
  5. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    1. If you've had a porn addiction in the past, you shouldn't use it ever again. It's not something you need to survive, so quitting porn forever is the goal. Ofc your recovery probably won't be a straight line up (no one's ever is), but never using porn again is the goal.

    2. Masturbation is a tricky situation. Masturbation is normal and healthy. However, in porn addicts like us, masturbation is so linked to porn that it can lead us back to mild porn use and then addict level usages. It is very possible to incorporate masturbation into a healthy sex life after being addicted to porn, but I would suggest not masturbating for at least a year after stopping porn.

    3. At the end of your reboot, start having sex. Don't even think about PMO, just go straight into sex. The 90 day reboot tears down your harmful neural networks wired to porn, and having sex afterwards builds them up in a positive way (this process is called rewiring).

    4. I think changing sleep patterns is common for those in a reboot, but I don't have any specific resources available :( . A Google search for "Your brain on porn insomnia" should bring up some relevant results.

    5. Exercise can help make the muscles you use during sex stronger and more enduring so the sex is better for both partners (the best way to do this is just by having sex though haha). Exercise doesn't really help you heal faster, but doing it consistently, progressively more difficult, and in a way that significantly tires you out is a great way to lessen urges and occupy yourself. Many exercise plans start at Day 1 and go up, much like a reboot, so seeing yourself do progressively harder exercises helps you feel like you're accomplishing something every day.

    If you're trying to get into an exercise plan, I highly suggest this Couch to Marathon plan https://www.military.com/military-fitness/running/running-plan-for-marathons . It starts off very easy (1 mile 3x a week), and doesn't have any goals times (you set your own pace from the start), and it helps you build up your mileage so you don't injure yourself. I highly recommend
    MOTM1989 likes this.
  6. MOTM1989

    MOTM1989 Fapstronaut

    Hopefully by 90 days my erections are good enough for sex. Again referencing my original post, but part of the reason I’ve sort of avoided relationships for so long was due to my erections not being very good even with porn. Unfortunately it’s unlikely I’ll get back with my ex but if that opportunity is there I’ll give it a shot haha. Losing her was probably what finally got me on the right track. I was constantly stuck on the time I failed at getting it up when there was no reason I shouldn’t have. I’m still pretty ashamed that it took me into my 30s to realize that this was a potential cause for me ED and weak erections. I remember initially going to the doctor and searching the internet for answers and never discovered this community for whatever reason. I even recall a urologist saying nothing looked wrong and giving me an off brand boner pill, and since I was single he basically said go home and masturbate and come back if it doesn’t work. It helped a little and I just carried on with my bad habits. It all feels pretty pathetic looking back now. I still feel somewhat skeptical that this will work because I’ve always been scared about having a physical problem. I’d be stoked to see a significant improvement at 90 days though. I feel like I’ve read a ton of examples of guys taking years to recover, or even worse going years and still seeing no progress.

  8. Hey brother, 2 things that have been monumental for me are these:
    1- I realized that I was using PMO to validate my masculinity due to an abuse situation that happened when I was between the ages of 3 to 5, when I fully accepted that I didn't need that for validation, the drive behind the addiction/compulsion ran out of gas.
    2- There is a website called recovery nation that has a free 90 day program that you can go through, its a health focus program as opposed to a sickness focus. Its very comprehensive and if you can commit to it, you will see a difference in your life. You can sign up for a fee to be followed by coaches if you so wish and its not super expensive.
    Also, there is a kid named *** on utube that has these 15 min vids that I like to watch, kinda hits you where you need it. I'm new to the site, but not to the fight, you can do this!
    43 days clean and its starting to feel like a new normal.
    Also not to sound like a therapist, but you may have some shame going on, I suffered from that too, shame is basically: I did something bad... so that means I'm bad, your not bad, your a good person, you have value. When I connected to the truth that I had value, and that pmo did not add value to my life, it changed things for me. The brain is neuroplastic, it'll snap back to a healthy state, don't make the mistake of putting a time line on it. Self compassion is the hardest thing your going to have to deal with, best start learning now. YOU ARE NOT YOUR ADDICTION! Focus on the now, not the past, and not the future. Now!
    Make life your bitch!
    MOTM1989 likes this.
  9. MOTM1989

    MOTM1989 Fapstronaut

    I experienced a wet dream two nights ago in the middle of the night, which is only the second time this has happened in my life. Although the erection was still pretty weak (about 4 o clock when I stood up). Is this a sign of progress? Or just my body releasing a bit since I haven’t been myself? I don’t mean to turn this into a journal as I know there is a separate area for that. Tomorrow is day 30 for me.
  11. I would say its your mind and body healing. I started getting night erections after about a month, and at about 40 days, I started to remember my dreams, which hadn't happened in a long time. I'm 62 days today and I haven't experienced wet dreams, but my prostate seems to empty what I'm not using after I go pee.

    I don't know if that answers your question, if not let me know, ill try to check in more often.